Adopted By Gay Couple
If you were an orphan and knew that a Gay Couple was interested in adopting you will you be willing to go with them or wait for someone else to come along?
If they were rich, professional, and egalitarians, I wouldn't even care if they were heterosexual!
Reason I say "Even if they were heterosexual" is that in every straight relationship I've seen so far has always been completely unequal. So removing the gender barrier would be an interesting way to force egalitarianism onto people, unless one they create a new power struggle.
Edited: Rhieland on 22nd Sep, 2010 - 11:25pm
I think it will depend on how long I've been an orphan. Haven't ever been orphaned I can't say what I would do but its always nice to have a the best of both worlds in a male father and female mother.
I've nothing personal with gays and all but I wouldn't want to have gays as my parents. I'd hate having to explain that to my friends and such. Plus what would you say "dad" and "dad"?