Preemptive Wars In The Bible - Page 4 of 4

I think religion is just used as a crutch - Page 4 - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 9th Oct, 2017 - 12:56pm

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Posts: 28 - Views: 6881
Did God use Preemptive Wars in Old Testament times as a way to bring other nations under the knees of Israel? What are your thoughts on this method of warfare as it is shown in the Bible?
Post Date: 24th Jun, 2008 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

Preemptive Wars In The Bible
A Friend

Preemptive Wars In The Bible - Page 4

I have to agree Krakyn. While the new testament tells us to live thy neighbor and to go out and preach to the multitudes it does come down to the book of Revelations.

In this book it states that the lord Jesus will come back to earth with a vast host to descend upon the unbelievers. Those who are saved will join the lord our god in a heaven made for us. It is my belief that the final battle is going to be one just like the old testament ones where cities are razed and populations of those cities and countries put to the sword. I believe that none will survive but the saved.

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Post Date: 29th Oct, 2011 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

Bible The Wars Preemptive

Name: Jason

Comments: There is no justification for killing children. I don't see how anyone can excuse the Jews for entering lands that weren't theirs to begin with and then slaughter everyone because god told them to do it. How Christians see that as acceptable does not make any sense since Jesus preached a different thing when he was alive.

Post Date: 10th Jan, 2015 - 4:57pm / Post ID: #

Preemptive Wars In The Bible Revealed Bible The

Were they really preemptive? In most cases a clear warning was sent about what would happen if the Cannanites would not move away from the god's land.

9th Oct, 2017 - 12:56pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Bible The Wars Preemptive

I think religion is just used as a crutch to start wars. Its a good argument if 'god told me to do it' its hard to argue with that.

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> TOPIC: Preemptive Wars In The Bible


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