Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood

Mormon Mental Illness Cured Priesthood - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 24th Feb, 2007 - 11:39pm

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Do we have the power to HEAL through the Priesthood or are we ALSO dependent on Doctors and Drugs? Controversial Mormon Issue.
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12th Jan, 2007 - 1:32am / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood

Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood

Here is something that has been a recent concern for me. Do we have the power to HEAL through the Priesthood or are we ALSO dependent on Doctors and Drugs? From the New Testament Christ showed that great miracles could happen through the Priesthood. In Joseph's time it seemed that like miracles: healing, casting off of evil spirits, sight for the blind and so forth were also done in and through the Priesthood in the name of Jesus Christ.

My main question is this... Why can't we by the name of Jesus Christ, give mental health to those who need it? You may say we can and then add: over time with medication and help from doctors, but is that really the way it was done long ago?
Look at the following talks / quotes:

international QUOTE
"Some suffer from mental illnesses which result from a medical condition. Most members of the church would grant a medical basis to such problems as mental retardation and Down's Syndrome. With such problems we neither blame the condition on bad parenting nor expect the disabled to overcome their limitations by simply exerting will power. In a similar manner, it is unrealistic to assume that an individual suffering a mental disorder such as schizophrenia or serious depression to "Snap out if it" And be cured by admonitions alone. Typically, those suffering from a mental illness or disorder cannot find the same relief from "Learning doctrine" As those experiencing less serious personal and emotional concerns. Having a mental illness is no more of a sin than having cancer, a heart condition, or some other physical disability. For example, I know a middle-aged woman whose life-style changed within a very short time. She became intellectually almost incoherent and involved in the most deviant of ways. She was suffering from a mental illness. When medical doctors and others in the helping professions discovered and treated a chemical imbalance in her system, she returned to her normal self. I believe that medical care including medication were necessary in helping this good sister. Unfortunately, not every mental illness can be solved as quickly and as easily as with my friend. However, when there is a mental illness professional mental and health care should be sought. It can help." (Elder Christensen)

" I am a great advocate and supporter of priesthood blessings. I know, from much personal experience, that they do inestimable good. I know too that final and complete healing in mental illness or any other disease comes through faith in Jesus Christ. In any and all circumstances, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, our lives will improve and become richer and more peaceful as we turn to Him. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden," He said, "And take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-30). He and only He has access to the healing "Balm of Gilead" Needed by all of God's children. However, without in any way denigrating the unique role of priesthood blessings, may I suggest that ecclesiastical leaders are spiritual leaders and not mental health professionals. Almost all of them lack the professional skills and training to deal effectively with deep-seated mental illnesses, and are well-advised to seek competent professional assistance for those in their charge who are in need.
Remember that God has given us wondrous knowledge and technology that can help us overcome grievous problems such as mental illness. Just as we would not hesitate to consult a physician about medical problems such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, so too we should not hesitate to obtain medical and other appropriate professional assistance in dealing with mental illness. When such assistance is sought, be careful to ensure, insofar as possible, that the health professional concerned follows practices and procedures which are compatible with gospel principles."
(Elder Morrison)

"There is an order to things in the Lord's kingdom. Again we turn to the scriptures where we are told that "It is by grace that we are saved,  after all we can do." (2 Nephi 25:23,  emphasis added) In other words, we can expect the Lord's blessings will be bestowed after we have done all we can within our limited knowledge and ability. We ought not to expect the Lord to perform a healing or adjust degrees of suffering until we have utilized our currently-existing resources and accomplished whatever we have the capability to do. The Lord has revealed many ways mankind can help themselves and obtain relief from and prevention of many illnesses and diseases. In addition to and often before calling on the Lord for divine intervention, we are expected to utilize the knowledge and skills of those endowed with the ability to provide counsel and treatment in our afflictions. Many medical processes, procedures and substances have been revealed through the light of Christ to the scientific community in these latter days. Our responsibility to utilize these resources was explained by Brigham Young when he taught the following:

You may go to some people here, and ask what ails them, and they answer, 'I don't know, but we feel a dreadful distress in the stomach and in the back; we feel all out of order, and we wish you to lay hands upon us.` 'Have you used any remedies?` 'No. We wish the Elders to lay hands upon us, and we have faith that we shall be healed.` That is very inconsistent according to my faith. If we are sick, and ask the Lord to heal us, and to do all for us that is necessary to be done, according to my understanding of the Gospel of salvation, I might as well ask the Lord to cause my wheat and corn to grow, without my plowing the ground and casting in the seed. It appears consistent to me to apply every remedy that comes within the range of my
Knowledge, and to ask my Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, to sanctify that application to the healing of my body; to another this may appear inconsistent.

But supposing we were traveling in the mountains, and all we had or could get, in the shape of nourishment, was a little venison, and one or two were taken sick, without anything in the world in the shape of healing medicine within our reach, what should we do? According to my faith, ask the Lord Almighty to send an angel to heal the sick. This is our privilege, when so situated that we cannot get anything to help ourselves. Then the Lord and his servants can do all. But it is my duty to do, when I have it in my power. Many people are unwilling to do one thing for themselves, in case of sickness, but ask God to do it all. (Journal of Discourses, 4:24-25)

Members of my own family have experienced various levels of anxiety and chemical depression. For some time, I was unaware of what was happening and at a loss to determine any course of action that might provide relief for them. Though I loved them, empathized with them, and cared terribly that they were suffering, I was blind to the problem and the people with whom I talked offered no help. I prayed intensely and incessantly for my loved ones' relief but to no avail. Priesthood blessings offered hope, but it didn't come right then. I wondered when and how any help might be found. One day I received a phone call from a family member who had, that very day, attended a medical symposium and heard discussions of these problems, including the typical symptoms associated with it. Everything fit our situation. So we obtained the services of a medical specialist who had acquired a great deal of expertise in the field. We found and utilized available resources that provided help and relief and a return to a more normal lifestyle for our family. The blessing came only as we did all we could do, including the personal involvement of another family member who cared and was inspired to help us find solutions to some very difficult problems. Recognizing the condition and knowing where to turn for help was a key to the resolving process. (Elder C. Max Caldwell,emeritus)

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12th Jan, 2007 - 6:25am / Post ID: #

Priesthood The Cured and Illness Mental Mormon

In my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong), healing by the Priesthood constitutes a MIRACLE. Priesthood operates on FAITH, specifically the faith of the person to whom the healing is being administered. I also believe that the Priesthood holder must be clean and faithful to the commandments of the Lord, and he should have the utmost faith in his own ability to convey the Power of God through his hands. Also, all these people involved need to have "Thy will, not mine," firmly planted in their hearts.

Having said that, I don't know many people with that strength of convictions, that powerful FAITH, to generate a MIRACLE.

I know that miracles happen, and they happen often. But I wouldn't say that miracles are "common" occurrences, because we have learned over time to rely more on the modern health system than we do the Lord. If doctors and medications can resolve the problem, then why not?

There is a man in my stake who took that faith in his God-given Authority to "rebuke the demons" in his granddaughter and did HEAL her by the power of the Priesthood. How many elders/high priests do you know who are willing to take on that kind of responsibility?

In my personal opinion, I think miracles should be reserved for extreme circumstances, when we've "done all we can do." I would hope that our Priesthood brethren have enough faith and faithfulness to hear the will of the Lord in these matters, and be courageous enough to "rebuke the demons" when they are prompted to do so.

12th Jan, 2007 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood Studies Doctrine Mormon

Good thoughts FarSeer and that is going along with my thoughts, HOWEVER if you view some of the quotes above it actually emphasizes the use of modern medicine and a don't look for a quick fix method. That does not seem to go along with what is being taught from the scriptures, in fact the longest it would take someone to be healed in olden times was based on how long it took them to get to a river or pool and wash their body or eyes.

You mentioned that it is based on the faith of the one being healed, and I agree with that to the extent of the person capable of having faith, but remember we are talking about mental illness, and in this case it is left to the Priesthood Brethren giving the blessing to muster the faith sufficient.

As you rightly said, it is up to the persons ministering to be clean vessels before the Lord, so with this we can summarize that more than usual it is a case of we not being worthy enough or having enough faith. Now of course there is the element of God's will, however, I have found that if one is persistent while showing sacrifice Heavenly Father will 'give in' to a worthy request just as any good parent would. All in my opinion.

12th Jan, 2007 - 1:38pm / Post ID: #

Priesthood The Cured and Illness Mental Mormon

JB said:

HOWEVER if you view some of the quotes above it actually emphasizes the use of modern medicine and a don't look for a quick fix method. That does not seem to go along with what is being taught from the scriptures, in fact the longest it would take someone to be healed in olden times was based on how long it took them to get to a river or pool and wash their body or eyes.

They indeed do emphasize the use of modern medicine and not the quick fix method for the simple facts that these Brethren well know (and I am not trying to be judgmental here) that at these times lots of our Priesthood holders are dealing with "demons" of their own, we as regular members do not know the extend but it seems to be a big problem: Avoiding Pornography is emphasized in every Conference, we hear about Spouse Abuse, Child abuse and even Sexual abuse by Stake Presidents, High Priests, Elders, etc. These are indeed the last days and are we expecting these same members to perform miracles in the name of Christ?

I believe it is possible if the Priesthood holder prepares himself to such a state to receive the power to perform that miracle. Only few may be able to do it, nevertheless we cannot expect the Brethren to talk in this way when lots of Priesthood holders are dealing with serious issues.

Now of course there is the element of God's will, however, I have found that if one is persistent while showing sacrifice Heavenly Father will 'give in' to a worthy request just as any good parent would. All in my opinion.

I believe this to be true but GREAT sacrifices must be shown to Him, but I have no doubts in my mind that can be possible.

Post Date: 24th Feb, 2007 - 1:47pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood
A Friend

Priesthood The Cured and Illness Mental Mormon

God saw fit to leave Paul's thorn in his side, despite being asked repeatedly to remove it. Trials often give us humility or other spiritual treasures that can come in no other way. I use medication to treat a chemical deficiency, and I thank God for the knowledge of biology, chemistry, et al, that allows me to live my life with a modicum of normality.

I also thank God for the weakness that He's suffered my mortal tabernacle to inherit as a result of the Fall. One of the profoundest and most comforting truths I've learned through my afflictions is this:

Suffering teaches us what the Spirit can't.

If it be God's will, I have no doubt that any medical or emotional condition can be reversed through faith and the righteous laying on of hands. The key is to be a clean vessel, worthy of the Spirit's influence, and able to discern God's will, or if His will is that we petition Him in faith, believing we shall receive. It's quite humbling to be the one administering a blessing and basically being--for a brief moment--the Lord's mouth and hands to a brother or sister in need.

24th Feb, 2007 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood

Yes, affliction is there for us to learn, however we must keep in mind that this Topic is about those who may have nothing to learn (in sever cases) by their affliction, this makes this Topic unique. Mental illness is not like blindness, or deafness or being lame - in many cases the person is incoherent, etc. You may say that the idea here is that those who take care of these people are the ones that learn - and that may be true to a degree.

Now one must consider, were all the blind, mental and ailing people that were in Jesus path automatically placed there to be healed because it was Heavenly Father's will at the time OR was it because Heavenly Father could not say no to the perfect Child in Christ OR was it that He (Jesus) was so holy that these things were to be. I would like to say that it is the later. Often I read where men reached a stage of righteousness that even the Lord could not hold back... because so great was their faith that it almost seemed to compel the Lord to grant the desire (see Mohonri / Centurion / Woman with Issue, etc.). My point in all this is it does not seem to be the focus much, it is more like "give a blessing" and make sure to see your doctor and take your medicine as the blessing is just to give you some kind of comfort. However, mental patients are not psychologically comforted per say (depending on the case) as they are more times than not unaware of what is taking place.

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24th Feb, 2007 - 2:12pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured The Priesthood

What about small children with mental illnesses? I fully understand the concept of trials and the concept of science with regards to healing the sick, yet I do not think we should be teaching or preaching as the way to go.

People who suffer mental illnesses most of the time (depending on the condition) has no control over their minds, how can we expect Faith from them?

Rather off topic, but...
While reading this thread, I was thinking about Pres. George Albert Smith who suffered of a mental illness, he fought it to the end. He was hospitalized for ten weeks at Gray's Sanitarium in Utah when he was just 39 years old and the condition returned later on. He was ble to handle it while as an Apostle but the symptoms returned when he became a Church President. (based on his diary) He was irrational at times.

Post Date: 24th Feb, 2007 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood
A Friend

Mormon Mental Illness & Cured The Priesthood Mormon Doctrine Studies

Interesting points. I had a younger sister adopted from Thailand. She died while young, but while she was with us she taught my family much. She was mentally handicapped, perfectly innocent. You are correct in that many people who are mentally impaired cannot comprehend what faith is, or God for that matter. In that case, perhaps it is the caretakers whose faith can do double duty in bringing about a healing. Only God knows.

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