![Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood Mormon Mental Illness & Cured By The Priesthood](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
One reason why I don't think it's an ether or situation, is that, at least, a couple prophets have gone to the hospital and got surgery. Gordon B. Hinckley is one that I can think of on the top of my head.
I find it interesting to read that quote from Elder Oaks' message in the 2006 Ensign as well as from his recent conference address in Priesthood session on blessings. I believe that in the those situations where as President Young was saying that if we were in a forest with no medical help that he would
I am sometimes amazed by the vigor of some people to put all their emotion into wearing a beard for Sacrament or not, wearing a white shirt or not, bringing back Polygamy or not and yet one of the most important topics that shares the depths of the power of God on earth is left with not much input.
As a side note I have added related Thread links at the top.
I was reading this quote and this thread came to my mind. Elder Oaks spoke in the last General Conference and he said:
Gone are the days of miracles where the blind could see and the lame could walk. I guess we just keep on guessing while none are healed.
So are you saying that as long as the administration of the priesthood "works" for you, you believe in God and have faith? But if it doesn't turn out as you expect, you will turn bitter and curse God?