Passing the Heavenly Gift
Now that you have read the book Passing the Heavenly Gift by: Denver C. Snuffer, Jr. What is your review for it?
About Passing the Heavenly Gift: After being a Mormon for forty years, the author was excommunicated by the LDS Church because he would not withdraw publication of this book. In this book he explains how Mormonism has undergone four distinct phases. The first began in 1820 and ended with Joseph Smith's death in 1844. The second began upon Joseph Smith's death and ended with abandonment of plural marriage, publicly in 1890 and privately in 1904. In the third phase Mormonism denounced as apostasy its practice of plural wives, marking the first time an orthodox practice became grounds for excommunication. The fourth phase began with David O. McKay and is still underway. In it Mormonism has adopted corporate management techniques to consolidate and direct central church decision-making. The first phase was innovative and expansive, continually adding doctrine, scripture, teachings and ordinances. Subsequent phases have curtailed, abandoned, even denounced earlier teaching and doctrine. Phases two through four have all abandoned doctrine. Growth in these subsequent phases has been defined in terms of political influence, financial gains, cultural inroads, and population growth; while the underlying religion has been curtailed.
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Passing The Heavenly Gift (Hover)