Recipe name:
Mexican Summer Soup Recipe category:
Beans And Grains
What are your thoughts about this interesting dish? Recipe detials:
Beans and Grains
1/3 cup kidney beans 1/3 cup garbanzo beans 1/3 cup black beans 3 medium tomatoes -- coarsely chopped 1 small onion -- coarsely chopped 1 banana pepper -- finely chopped 1/2 cup green beans -- fresh 1/2 cup zucchini -- cubed 4 cloves garlic -- pressed 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 bay leaves salt and pepper -- to taste 1/4 cup red wine Wash and soak beans overnight (I cooked mine the next day on low in the slow cooker while I was at work) drain & rinse beans before adding to pot. In a medium saucepan saut? onion and garlic in water until tender. Add fresh green beans and banana peppers, continue to saut? for 3 minutes. Be sure to keep track of the water so it doesn't dry out. Just before the water completely dries up add the zucchini and saut? 2 minutes ( the zucchini should add some moisture to the pot, but if it doesn't add more water just to keep from scorching veggies). Add fresh tomatoes, beans, wine, spices and cook until this thickens and the tomatoes have made a nice sauce. As I am on a restricted salt diet I did not add salt to mine, however, I did add some sweetener to the whole batch. Even without salt this dish was very good. I haven't tried it with salt substitute, so I don't know how it would work. The nutritional rundown on this dish is quite good and it taste good too. |