Terrorist T-shirt
Would you wear a Terrorist T-shirt casually or solely as a political statement? Do you think these things should not be created and sold?
Terrorist T-shirt (Hover)
I wouldn't wear one, personally, but I'm sure there are folks who will. It's not like a *real* terrorist is going to wear one to announce him- or herself. In the US, there are laws that are supposed to protect "free speech" but of course with our Patriot Act, there is probably a law against wearing anything like this.
I wouldn't buy one, and personally I think they are of very poor taste.
I think anybody who is going to wear one should be aware that they are not always going to receive a positive reaction either!
No, I would not wear one and I think anyone that would do so is ridiculous for countless reasons. Maybe in another place and time this would be considered 'funny', but terrorism is no laughing matter therefore I do not see anything worth being promoted here.
Name: Publius
Comments: I love it and I want one! After the Patriot Act, our government considers all Americans as not only terrorists, but also potential enemy combatants!
Resist your slavery! 9/11 was planned and carried out by fascists. 9/11 truth!
If there is a market for them, then go ahead and make them. You wont catch me wearing one and I will feel no pitty for the first moron that tries to wear one and is denied boarding of a airplane. Freedom of speech is not free and things like this make it more like a Freedumb as opposed to right that few people around the world have.