Pasta With Caramelized Onions

Pasta Caramelized Onions - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 22nd Nov, 2009 - 12:53am

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Archived Recipe: Pasta
Post Date: 22nd Nov, 2009 - 12:53am / Post ID: #

Pasta With Caramelized Onions

Recipe name:
Pasta With Caramelized Onions

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What are your thoughts about this dish?

Recipe Ingredients Recipe details: with Caramelized Onions

onions olive oil fresh parsley Parmesan cheese white wine cooked pasta

Slice up lots of onions (1.5 cups per person). Put them in a saute pan with olive oil or sprayed with Pam and cover. Cook on low heat 45 minutes, until soft. Remove cover, turn heat to medium and cook liquid away. Add salt & pepper (don't be shy w/ the salt), and continue cooking and stirring onions until they turn golden brown (if they stick a little, that's ok, just turn the heat down a tad). Splash in a little white wine, and stir it in, scraping up any browned bits. Turn heat to high, stirring and scraping until the wine is gone. Throw in a big handful of fresh parsley (or a smaller handful of dried), toss, and serve over spaghetti. Add parmesan to taste at the table.

Note: I like this just as it is, but Bob's likes it with a little more sauce. You may want to add some cream or a little tomato sauce or a bit of both.

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