Somewhat laughable, but would a kissing booth be considered a form of prostitution? For those who do not know what a kissing both is... usually in a circus or fair men would stand in line to receive a kiss from (usually a good looking woman) for $1 or more. The funds usually go to the circus, fair or some project.
I really do not know what that is. But is it safe, or healthy?[/quote]
i described what it is already. I doubt it is healthy, but it is not the point of this thread. The question is would a kissing booth be considered a form of prostitution?
[offtopic]:spock: Nick, how come you have the name and avatar of a man but you are listed as a female?[/offtopic]
It was very surprising when I used to watch American movies about a fair or a circus and they used to have this kissing booth thing : I think is awful! no, I'm not a nun : but come on, are these guys so desesperate that they cannot get a date and kiss them? :
I will not be so extreme JB saying its a form of prostitution, it is a bit too much but definetly I don't think is right and I don't think LDS members should participate in these kind of things.
[quote]According to www. the definitions for prostitution are:
1. The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire.
2. The act or an instance of offering or devoting one's talent to an unworthy use or cause[/quote]
So, under definition one, we would need to decide if kissing were in fact a "sex act." If yes, then it might be prostitution under this definition. Is the person in the booth getting paid? If all the funds are going to a charity or other cause, then I don't think the person in the booth is receiving kisses for hire because they haven't personally been paid. If no, then go to definition #2.
For definition #2, if an unworthy cause then yes, if a worthy cause then no.
I don't think we can say kissing is a "sex act." We kiss our children, grandparents, parents, etc. So I vote for no it is not a form of prostitution, under definition #1, although it still might be immoral to be participate in a kissing booth. As far as definition #2, that depends upon the cause. If it is just a circus and a way for the circus owner to make money and not a charity event, ....perhaps.
I know I wouldn't be willing to kiss a bunch of strangers for money or otherwise.
Okay let us take this a step further for those who think I am 'extreme'
Think about it... a kissing booth usually has an attractive woman, it is totally based on looks. The paid for 'service' rendered (no matter if for a worthy cause or not) is that of some sort of physical gratification otherwise why would they use a good looking woman (why not plain faced?). Kissing a stranger is not the same as kissing your mom or aunt. The feeling is obviously going to be different for a man because of there hormonal state (maybe they would have never been able to kiss a 'good looking woman'?). Here is a chance to 'score' to feel good? So, is this all corect? Why not just give the $1 if it is for a 'worthy' cause?
Lastly, this thread is out of good conversation, don't take it that I am fasting and shaving my head to find the answer