Name: Ben
Comments: I don't know how to say this... But I only believe this so-called "treasure" after my employee of 7 year's village mate actually found a jar containing 15 pieces of gold bar somewhere in Mindanao(secrecy here), my employee even took a leave of absence to take a flight back there, took some pictures of the bars and test the bar with acids.... So far everything was plausible.
The rectangular bar itself weights 7kg each, with a weird chinese/Japanese marking at the center, then the english word "fine gold" "A.U." and "9.99" embossed on top of the bar... Every detail is crude, looked like home-made crap.
My question is.... Is there some more pictures about other unearthed gold bars circulating anywhere? From the pictures that my employee has shown me, these bars looks authentic, but I know that if these bars are indeed portion of the lost gold, it is supposed to conformed to a certain "stamp" that will indicate it's original maker.
Hope someone can shine a light on this one...
And to make my intention clear.... I am not interested in funding my employee in his foolish search for lost gold nor will I redirect anyone within this thread to help out my employee. This is only a query from a curious unbeliever.
FYI: My employee blew his P12,000 bonus from his previous project on this trip and he didn't even earn a single dime. They did found it, but they just can't find a good way to transport it to a dependable seller... Useless. Now it's only time that the news will spread and government officials will start butting in...
Good day.
Hi Ben,
You said that there were markings on top of the bar with "AU" "Fine Gold" and 99.99? I don't think that came from an original treasure site of the Japs. Normally, the inscriptions on top of the bar have two versions. One is like two japanese symbols and there is a line in the center. But from your statement that the shape or form is not that perfect. That can be true. Because the japs melted all the gold here in the phils and molded it with their own markings. And most of the bars are not perfectly done in a rectangular shape as we see it on the movies or TV.
If you have touched one, you can pinch the metal bar and it is not as hard as an iron metal (since it is 99.99 AU).
So if you can picture the difference from what you saw from the picture provided by your employee. I guess it is better not to comment further.
Our Gov't Officials will not be interested in 15 bars of gold only, adding to that, the description is not that credible enough. There were small loots of gold bars hidden in caves with that small amount of gold bars that were left behind by japs after loosing the war and the plan of Gen Yamashita and the Emperor did not happen. They were planning to make the Phils as their CB of gold bars since we do have a strategic location in Asia.
I was suppose to provide you a link of one article I made but not that related with this thread. And since I am a newbie here I don't know if links are permitted to be posted.
Anyway, good luck with your employee... Hope he hits the small jackpot.
Name: Eugenio
Note: I am currently hunting in Nueva Vizcaya and has a plan to search in Cagayan province.
Eugenio, there is nothing left in Nueva Vizcaya.
Name: Noel
Comments: they saw 2 large octagon stone at their garden which has Japanese inscipt letter.
Hi Noel, if the inscription are japs characters and these are not markers. Except if the stone has a chemical paint and if the positions of the stones and it you can find another symbol from a tree or a stone with awkward shape or figure that is bigger than you and have markings in it then there is a possibility that those are japanese treasure markings but I don't want to presume here. If you can send me a picture and post it anywhere in the web so I can see it.
Edited: Universum on 26th Aug, 2009 - 11:40am
Name: Pido
Comments: Not all treasure comes from Yamashita, but I believed that treasure buried by Yamashita was big volume,and the the design was a spiral type of treasure.
Name: Boyet
Comments: Gboy, I believe all those YTC (Yamashita Treasure Code) and treasure sites, I have visited most of the TS here in Davao city including the secret of mt. Apo and seen the big man made stone and the mountain, including Venado lake. I have been with some group of TH since I was 15 (1982) and have some digs in Indangan, Buhangin, Bajada, Samal island and in Quezon city with my friends. The father of b friend was a former WW2 veteran and he was our mentor in TH and I have the copy of THC with me (50 pages) I have seen those codes sign in different site you mention and found them to be true, that's why I said "I believe in you" I have encounter those code signs engrave in small and big stone in dig site we have and other prospective site I have one in my wife's farm in Tagum I here It's the 3 general secret and I have seen the heart shape stone pointing to the mountain and beside of the mountain their is a bamboo three, sound familiar ba? just curious are you a filipino? I yes we can share ideas regarding TH.
Source 1: Treasure signs of Davao
Source 2: Yamashita Treasure codes
Name: Bisaya
Comments: YAMASHITA treasure is a MYTH! so you foreigners are very welcome here in our beautiful country to HUNT vacation tourist spot not YAMASHITA treasure cause those treasure belong to us FILIPINO only!
Name: Jess
Comments: My grandma owned a lot which has a tunnel opening located in the far flung area in Camarines sur province. Around early 80's I heard from grandma that there are persons who used to asked a permission to dig in the tunnel. But after a few months they just left the area. The resident in front of the site saw a jeep late at night parked in front of the site and they saw that there is a box carried inside the jeep. When one of the native of the Barangay who was with the group of diggers asked what they got he said that they got nothing. After a month that person died of unknown reason. But according to my grandma the face and the body are swollen. I have talked with one of the diggers who used to dig in our land and asked if what they've got and why they have left the area? his reply was that they found a small box marked with 3 stones of different color. But they say when they saw it they left the site because Natakot sila which is impossible to believe. [..] I personally check my grandma's lot and see the site. As what I have researched the site is positive of the stone markings plus there is 3 big trees in triangular form of the same kind planted and a big stone which has an obvious man made engraving at the back which is a line drawn. The digger told me that it is only a detector they need to locate in which part of the tunnel they would dig so not to waste the time in money. Now, I'm looking for a person who could help me in providing a detector and I am willing for a sharing in whatever we can get from the site.
Name: Chris
Comments: You know guys treasure here in the philippines is a big business only you have to do it secretly..example like ours-one of the persons in charge of digging sites for the treasure to keep told us that we are positive that are site has a gold... So just be careful because gold and money can make a person mad.
Name: Matheuz
Comments: We are about to dig a spot somewhere on beaches of Mindoro, I just want to have any advise from you. Thanks in advance!