Name: Yolol
Comments: Guys,
Have you not aware of the treasure found in Nasipit Agusan del Norte? It was administered by a certain Japanese name Seki who was pretending as a businessman during his stay in Nasipit back in late 1970 and early 1980.
Source 1: Rumors
Name: Max
Comments: May we request any information regarding the location of Yamashita treasure in Batangas? Thank you.
Name: Gerald
Comments: My group any I have been digging for almost a year by now. I absolutely believe because one of our members have already recovered gold bars.I want to know whats the real score of our digging for we have done digging the hard part..Now the ground is still like cemented but its not that hard at all.. We now encountered unstoppable water. And we can't drain it... Also I want to ask how thick is the covering if it is detected as 10 tons of reserve..
Name: Jimbo
Comments: Can you interpret some signs for me? What is the sign for X and Y. In my house location their are stones engraved with Y and X's and some unusual stone with figure on it. It is rumored that there are two truck loads of gold hidden in or place and under our house is a strange hole that can't be filled when you pour drums of water in it could it be possible that there is something in it. Can you help me?
Name: Inzhagi
Comments: Can I'll request any information regarding the location of Yamashita treasure in Larap Jose Panganiban Camarines Norte because a year ago Gov. Padilla and its men found two treasure in different location somewhere in Barrio Dahican ? Thank you.
You know what I do not get about some of these Yamashita Treasure Posts? If it were so easy to come online and just say give me the co-ordinates to where the gold is and then someone replies and says sure the gold is here then we all could be rich - give me a break.
Name: Pat
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Comments: Yes it is common that people with maps and samples who actually went into treasure caves and saw tons of gold usually beg for money to haul that gold off that sites. What a joke. Man who started this thread just got banned from another forum where he was talking the same stories like these here. That makes me wonder why on earth somebody sitting on tons of gold will go to internet public forums to discuss about that? His story may be more convincing if he claim that he had found two three bricks and not tons of gold. Poor Yamashita he did not command that much a force to be able to haul that much of gold what these people claim he did.
Beware of scammers.
Name: Slapszhock
Comments: I've got 3 questions.
1. What volume do they usually get if it was buried between 6 to 8 meters?
2. Is it true that they put some booby traps and sorts of chemical in there?
3. How can you tell that you are getting close to the buried treasure?