Trinidad & Tobago Taxation - Tax - Taxes
I will first of all provide useful links about paying your taxes in Trinidad & Tobago:
* Government website: Source 3
* Law firm summary: Source 3
* Google document: Source 2
The Google link above for me was the most thorough and you can use the sidebar to search for specific words.
We also have other Threads about Tax in Trinidad & Tobago and finances in general:
* 2010-2011 Budget For Trinidad & Tobago: Source 4
* Custom / Import Duties & Taxes: Source 3
* Inflation: Source 5
* Property Tax: Source 6
* Value Added Tax - VAT: Source 2
People are taxed way too much in this country. Just imagine you paying 15% for every item you buy, then if you make over $5,000 salary a month you are taxed 25%. If you run a business then you pay a further 1 or 2% on all your earnings regardless of the profit. On top of this you are paying NIB, health surcharge and whatever else they tell you to pay.
Name: Surjoo
Comments: I wouldn't mind paying all the taxes if I could see some significant infrastructure from it. Better roads, hospitals and HELPFUL staff when I enter a government agency.
Property Tax
Correct me if I am wrong, but during the actual reading of the Budget for 2013 didn't the Finance Minister say that Property Tax would come in a phase basis and that residences will be evaluated and then taxed? Now there is this rush to explain and focus that the Property Tax is on Industrial lands only and that residential properties will not pay any higher taxes, so then what was really being mentioned during the budget?
Lots of rumors about taxes going up come this budget like they want to kill we in this place? Living in T&T is hard enough already a poor man can't even buy a bread and cheese without having to offer his soul and they want to raise taxes?