Recipe name:
Chili Tomato Soup
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What are your thoughts about this classic dish?
Recipe details: Chili-Tomato Soup
8 medium tomatoes 6 medium potatoes 4 yellow onions 2 1/2 quarts tomato juice 1 chili verde pepper -- sliced 1/2 small red chili pepperr -- crushed 3 sprigs parsley 1 tablespoon salt serves 12 Peel and seed the tomatoes by cutting them into quarters and shaking out the se eds. Chop them coarsely. Peel the potatoes and peel and slice the onions. Pl ace the chopped tomtoes, whole potatoes, and sliced onions in the bottom of a h eavy soup kettle, add the juice and simmer, covered, until the potatoes are sof t by not mushy, approximately 1 hour. Cut the potatoes into small chunks. Slice the chili verde pepper and add it to the soup, together with the crushed red chili pepper, the parsley, and salt. Simmer for 25 minutes, covered, until the peppers are soft. Serve piping hot. |