Kalbsbrust Mit Krauterfullung Veal Breast/he

- Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 17th Oct, 2007 - 5:21pm

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Archived Recipe: Beef
Post Date: 17th Oct, 2007 - 5:21pm / Post ID: #

Kalbsbrust Mit Krauterfullung Veal Breast/he

Recipe name:
Kalbsbrust Mit Krauterfullung Veal Breast/he

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Recipe Ingredients Recipe detials: Kalbsbrust Mit Krauterfullung(Veal Breast/He

- 3 sl Bacon

1 md Onion

4 oz Mushroom pieces

1/4 c Parsley, fresh -- chopped

1 tb Dill, fresh -- chopped

1 t Tarragon, dried

1 t Basil, dried

1/2 lb Ground beef, lean

1/2 c Bread crumbs, dry

3 lg Egg

1/3 c Sour cream

1/2 ts Salt

1/4 ts Pepper

- 3 lb Boned Veal Breast -- OR

4 lb Leg of veal, boned

1/2 ts Salt

1/4 ts Pepper

1 tb Oil

2 c broth -- hot

2 tb Cornstarch

1/2 c Sour cream

Stuffing: To prepare stuffing, dice bacon and onion. Cook bacon in a frypan until partially cooked; add onion and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and chop mushrooms, add to frypan and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove mixture from heat, let cool and transfer to a mixing bowl. Add herbs, ground beef, bread crumbs, eggs, and sour cream. Mix thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper. Veal: With a sharp knife, cut a pocket in the veal breast or leg. Fill with stuffing; close opening with toothpicks. (Tie with string if neces- sary.) Rub outside with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a Dutch oven. Place meat in the pan and bake in a preheated 350 degree F. oven about 1 1/2 hours. Bast

occasionally with beef broth. When done, place meat on a preheated platter. Pour rest of beef broth into the Dutch oven and scrape brown particles from the bottom. Bring pan drippings to a simmer. Thoroughly blend cornstarch with sour cream and add to pan drippings while stirring cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Slice veal breast and serve sauce separately.

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