Clinical Ecology
What is Clinical Ecology, how is it related to Psychology?
Like most holistic medicines, I believe it has its place as a secondary treatment option, and a second opinion. Clinical ecology is the idea that everything is related to environmental issues. Allergies to synthetic chemicals and the such are often tested, that is one reason it is also called environmental medicine. Clinical ecology is a bad primary treatment idea because it runs on the premise of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) which has not been proven on any level. MCS remains an "idea" that has yet to be shown to be real. Not to mention, the theory purports that people become toxified (and thus depressed, sick, start behavioral problems etc.) by normal exposure to chemicals at a level FAR below the tested "safe" range.
n the 1950s, Randolph suggested that human failure to adapt to modern-day synthetic chemicals had resulted in a new form of sensitivity to these substances. His concern with foods then expanded to encompass a wide range of environmental chemicals. Over the ensuing years, the condition he postulated has been called allergic toxemia, cerebral allergy, chemical sensitivity, ecologic illness, environmental illness (EI), immune system dysregulation, multiple chemical sensitivity, total allergy syndrome, total environmental allergy, total immune disorder syndrome, toxic response syndrome, 20th century disease, universal allergy, and many other names that suggest a variety of causative factors. These labels are also intertwined with Gulf War syndrome, sick building syndrome, toxic carpet syndrome, and other politically controversial diagnoses. |