1. Peasant Morale is now realistic by allowing for those to who you are collecting from to not have as much as you would like to get.
2. I have taken out the "$" (dollar symbol) and added "gold" or "gold pieces" as necessary.
3. Under the Blacksmith / Market the number of soldiers one could purchase based on the gold they have was displaying the wrong figure - this has been fixed.
Explore Actions
Even more possibilities have been added, soon it will reach a point that there will be unexpected actions to come as well.
I worked a lot on this area today and you can see the related Threads that have recently been posted about it. Check the updated Rules for "How To" info.
Soldiers Are Not Unlimited
Sometimes you may attempt to buy soldiers and are told you can't.
Troop Morale / Getting Gold
It takes a lot of work to collect gold... you will find that hungry bellies do not respond well when it is time to collect.