Good one. I will probably past you soon enough since I've been doing so much on my end to build up my character.
Here is a free tip for anyone that wants it. Rather than spending lots on armies just keep the bare minimum of footmen and continue exploring. The reason is you get more gold and less chance of just loosing troops to ambush, etc. Of course that will change whenever JB gets around to the army system.
I'm about 50% away from the next level. Anyone want to arrange a fight? I could never seem to catch anyone online at the same time as me. Maybe JB should change that so you can attack anytime.
I keep discovering loads of gold but don't really have a true way to utilize it yet. Maybe if the army system does more than searching then I can buy up more soldiers.
I'm at level 5 now! Just a bit more and I will reach Felipe's ranking and then out rank him too, Maybe its time to create my own clan.
I caught Kntoran online and did battle with him but he also seriously damaged my character too! Now I'll have to go for training again to build back my strength.
So, back to going up a level. Right now I'm at the beginning stage of moving up the ladder. I lost some strength and dexterity so I have to build those up first.
Ha! Just caught Kntoran online again and did battle. I won but my character got real beat up for it. He must be getting too strong, its time for better weapons!