Master Race

Master Race - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 28th Mar, 2006 - 9:28am

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Post Date: 24th Jan, 2006 - 1:24am / Post ID: #


Master Race

Master Race

Do you think humankind evolved out of a Master Race? Do you believe that there is naturally a Master Race of humans and a separate group of subhumans?

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Post Date: 24th Jan, 2006 - 5:29am / Post ID: #

Master Race
A Friend

Race Master

No, this type of thinking is ridiculous. A master race of humans implies our knowledge of what makes a human superior. I don't think anyone can actually point out that a specific group of people has a specific set of traits that could be considered the best and thus make them the master race. Besides, that type of thinking leads to racism and prejudicial treatment of other races which would then have to be considered sub-human. The last time this thinking was allowed to be considered was by the Nazi who considered themselves to be descendants of the arian race. However, archeologically, the arians settled near India and their skin darkened and they disappeared as a race and culture. That be so, life singled them out for extinction, thus they could not be the master race, simply a different race. the master race was an invention of an insecure people who couldn't see the beauty of our differences, and thus tried to demonize other races it was in competition with.

Post Date: 11th Feb, 2006 - 9:09am / Post ID: #

Master Race
A Friend

Master Race Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I believe that Kon here is right but I will also like to add something to this thread. I'm a jew and I don't know if you heard but there is a book called 'The Jewish Mind' (I'm not sure if I translated it right) and in that book it says that the jewish people being so closed (in old jewish culture you would only marry a jew) and having a very active thinkers(what I mean is that jews in ancient times always knew how to read and write in more then one language and even some math) they had developed a special gene making some of there intellectual skills(like math or reading comprehension) greater then others but don't get me wrong this does not make us superior or better then any other man or women.

Anyway add to that the finding of scientist that biologically there is no such thing as human races but one race the homo-sapiens and you get a paradox you can agree with me that there are groups of people (not have to be jews) that because they had a closed genetic pool in there history had developed special traits on the other hand we are all one big race? can you help me with this?

And remember I'm not saying a group people is better or superior then another.

6th Mar, 2006 - 7:53pm / Post ID: #

Race Master

A "Master Race", no. However, if the Bible is to be believed, the entire human race comes from a very small group of people. First Adam and Eve, then, a couple of thousand years later, Noah and his family.

What is interesting is that pretty much all ancient cultures have very similar stories. Sumeria, Egypt, etc, all have stories of a worldwide flood. They also have stories of a god/man (perfect man?) by a name of Adam, or some similar name (Atum, Ra-atum?).

This could be a very interesting line of intense inquiry.

Post Date: 7th Mar, 2006 - 3:03am / Post ID: #

Master Race
A Friend

Race Master

In my Opinion:

Yes there is a Master Race and we are it.

We out competed the other races, Neanderthal and Cromaginon, and we are the last race left.

Post Date: 25th Mar, 2006 - 7:08pm / Post ID: #

Master Race
A Friend

Master Race

There is no master race, but we evolved from two seperate clusters, one in Ethiopia and one in China. Ever wonder why their histories are so long?
We moved with the animals througout the continents which explains why the Western Hemisphere was the last settled. Personally, humans will continue to evolve until a point when completely demise. Is it not what happened with the dinosaurs?

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28th Mar, 2006 - 9:28am / Post ID: #

Master Race

I don't believe there is a master race, nor is there a special gene that makes a race more intelligent than another.

However it is interesting to look at how different races appear to have different physical traits and cultures.

I don't believe that humans came from one couple, rather we evolved throughout time from ancestoral animals.

We don't really know what happened to the dinosaurs, there are several theories but no concrete evidence. Some might even argue that dinosaurs never existed. A preacher once spent an hour on a Sydney train trying to convince me this never happened because it wasn't described in the bible! Who knows, he may well have had a point.

Reconcile Edited: arvhic on 28th Mar, 2006 - 9:29am

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