Children: A Blessing?
Humans have varying thoughts about children, especially the number and when to have them as part of a family. Consider the following:
A mother and wife, who wanted to have just a couple of kids, once said to her husband, the father of their four children, that she did not want to have any more kids. The father, a great dad to his children, said to her that children are a blessing, and her response was something that made him quiet. She agreed that children are a blessing, but when she is home with four noisy kids they are a blessing, but she feels that she does not want so many 'blessings'.
What would be your response to this?
What would be your response to this? |
I think that the woman knows her own capabilities best, so my response to the husband would probably be... yes, your children are a blessing, enjoy them, and enjoy your time with them, and in some time in the future you will be able to enjoy the blessing of grandchildren brought into the world and you will continue to have blessings in this way, but multiple!
Edited: DianeC on 16th Feb, 2007 - 11:26pm