The next morning my wife and I are enjoying a nice cup of coffee and I mention to here how the house would seem nicer with the patter of more little feet. With a huge smile she agreed. First thing though is to introduce this concept to the existing brood.
After a long conversation with the twins they feel excited about having a baby in the house. Much relieved th chat went well we all head to fish for the day.
Returning home not quite a roaring success we decide on mahi mahi with wine sauce for supper. We gave thanks and asked special blessing for the people who caught the fish we were about to enjoy.
With so many rough looking home in the village we decide to make our home stand out a bit with a new security light in the front. I changed the bulb to a colored one so it lights the porch and front Oak tree nicely while deterring any who would enter without invite.
After a short trip to the doctors office we go out to celebrate as we are now expecting our next child. It has dawned on us that we have been so busy with the new house and jobs that we have not been able to socialize with the neighbors much. Deciding to change this we invite all we can find for a pig roast next Saturday.
Having made our decision I head to the Local paper to place an ad for the big BBQ only to discover that some one has stolen my wallet enroute! Here is Cozy ville my heart id broken as I head to report it at the Sherifs office.
Edited: krakyn on 5th Oct, 2007 - 1:38pm