I was surprised to see this board activated again and then to like read that you're bringing back ROK was a total surprise. I'll say this is a totally cool revelation but will it be just like the old ROK?
Man oh man, I can hardly wait to see what its going to be like. Is it going to be the same look or is it like totally different? Any screenshots?
There are similarities but on the whole there are way more features in this script than there was in the last. Screen shots will come but I have to do major testing first. Thanks for your patience, I will Update everyone when I have something significant.
MMORPG stays for Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Is something similar to the famous World of Warcraft, an Role-playing Game where a very high number of players can not only explore the world but also interact between them. They fall into dozens of different categories but the origin is always the same: the MUDs (Multi User Dungeon) that were so popular something like 15 years ago.
The main difference is that a Mud required a client (special software) to be played while modern MMORPGs are directly accessible on the net (but, usually, they require part of the game to be installed on your computer).
I have no idea of how it will look or which kind of features this particular one will have. Usually, they allow teaming between the players and even battles between the users in the PKZ, Player Kill Zones.
Hope it helps. I didn't want to go too much into detail to avoid being boring.
Is like a huge online video-game where the players have total freedom of movement. You can usually create guilds, form alliances, start wars or trade items and more. Most of the MMORPG are graphical but there are many that are text-based with only some limited or static graphics. The main point is the real-time communication between the players that is organized at multiple levels (something like World Chat, then Room Chat and lately In-Guild Chat depending to who as access to the communication line).
Personally, I'm not a fan. But it really depends on how it is organized.
Krusten's Question: