Popular musician Ray Charles has died.
Ref. https://www.CNN.com
The first child of Aretha and Baily Robinson was born in Albany, GA, on September 23, 1930. "you hear folks talking about being poor," Charles recounts. "Even compared to other blacks. . . we were on the bottom of the ladder looking up at everyone else. Nothing below us except the ground." It took three years, starting when Ray Charles was four, for the country boy who loved to look at the blazing sun at its height, the boy who loved to try to catch lightning, the boy who loved to strike matches to see their fierce, brief glare, to travel the path from light to darkness.
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Ray Charles (Hover)
According to Wikipedia, "Ray began to go blind, becoming totally blind by the age of seven. Charles never knew exactly why he lost his sight, though there are sources which suggest Ray's blindness may have been due to glaucoma."
From what I have learned it seems that Ray Charles Robinson was the one who started placing what could be considered as a sexual tone to his music - something unheard of before. Of course that is nothing now compared to what you hear so direct from the likes of 50 Cent and so forth, but nevertheless he was the founder as it were.