Womens Top Ten Lies
I hope you guys don't get mad at me. I know I'm new and stuff... but this seemed to be in high request. So here you go.
"I need some space." <-- Half a sentence. The REST of it is, "without you in it."
"I think we should start seeing other people." translation: I like your brother/ friend/ coworker/ anyone else.
"Oh no, you're friends are great."
Cwahsheh, now that is a true classic!
Okay here is another one that is very similar...
Wife is *talking a lot while husband is doing something intricate*
Wife then says, "Are you hearing what I am saying?"
Husband, "Sorry, what did you say?"
Wife, "Nevermind"
Nevermind = You are always ignoring me, see if you get any dinner tonight.
One I hear from some women:
"I'm perfectly happy without a man in my life."
Then when they are in the presence of an attractive, available man, they practically throw themselves at him ~ and knock over any other woman in their way! Sheesh.