I really like the color combinations in this dress and the design work on the front. All very well coordinated. I am not fond of a skirt being that tight around the hips and hanging that loosely around her knees, makes her seem out of proportion. Her hair is a little large for the fit of the dress, she might have done better straitening it. A little too much smile for this pose also.
*I really have to appreciate the Jamaican style on this one overall.
Jamaica Beauty Queen Latest to Step Down Over Abortion Refusal
Kingston, Jamaica (LifeNews.com) -- The reigning Miss Jamaica World 2006 is the latest beauty pageant queen to relinquish her crown after she refused to have an abortion. In January, the Miss USA pageant came under fire for forcing the winner of the New Jersey state contest to resign her crown because she's pregnant and wouldn't abort. Sara Lawrence, the 22 year-old woman who became the island nation's beauty queen says she is pregnant and expecting a baby in September. She issued a statement saying she's keeping her bhttps://www.lifenews.com/int218.htmlaby instead of her crown. "I relinquish my position as Miss Jamaica World 2006, having taken a deeply personal decision to face up to my responsibilities as one who expects to become a mother later this year," the Jamaica Gleaner reported. "I believe that it is my moral obligation to do what I believe to be ethically correct and will follow what I believe to be right" Lawrence added. The young woman told the newspaper her boyfriend supports her decision to keep the baby and not have an abortion. Though abortion advocates frequently say otherwise, she said she would have no problem continuing to pursue a career and raising her child at the same time.
Ref. https://www.lifenews.com/int218.html