Everybody has small 'addictions' even though we don't notice it. My addiction is GOOD FOOD. I'm lucky enough to be slim and still eating like a horse.
Food is something that I enjoy, I don't think about how many calories it has and all those things that some women are worried about, when I sit down to eat I enjoy every minute of it. I say it's an addiction because I want to eat nice food every single day, don't give me bread or butter or a salad huh?
Give me some nice meat and nice side dishes and everything will be alright!.
Now, the question is for you: what's your addiction?
My family is my addiction! I worry about them constantly morning, noon and night did they eat today, are they ok, do they have food in the house 24/7 i worry about them and my grands, i don't even worry about me ;D so they are my addiction.