Hi, I am Ed the Witness. I am an old man with grey hair and beard. I am the least of God's Elect and enjoy taking about the things that are happening in the world today and how they relate to bible prophesy.
If you wish to know more about the two signs God is going to give you in the heavens, one this year 2007 and the other next year 2008 then please feel free to ask.
I especially enjoy talking about the Scriptures, Dreams, Visions, The Great Pyramid of Giza, and the Story written in the Stars or Zodiac (not Astrology or Horoscopes).
Again, I am just an old man running out of time.
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First I thank you for welcoming me to your site.
Actually I was just looking to see what people were saying about the Zodiac Signs when I found this site. I was looking to see if God had revealed anything about Orion, or his son Elijah.
I guess I should start with basics so you will know what I am talking about. I believe that the Bible is 100 percent true and that there are many other witnesses to the truth and that the truth is wherever you find it.
It is evident to me that the stars tell the story of the Savior of the World. If you look up the oldest names of the stars you can reconstruct the story, especially the scriptures or prophesies that have already come to pass. For example: The desired son (Comah), born of a Virgin (Virgo). He is the coming one (bootes) that will be king of kings and will wear the Crown (Corona). He is the one that pays the price that covers(Libra), He was hanged on the cross(Crux), He is Hercules whose hands and feet are pierced, and the one that overcame the enemy's (Scorpio's) sting of death.
Also easy to recognize is the end of the story where Leo (Jesus) returns, pounces on Hydra the Serpent (Anti-Christ's), and pours out Crater (the cup of the indignation of his wrath) on Hydra the Serpent and calls Corvus (flesh eating birds) to eat the flesh of the mighty.
The Zodiac of Dendera in Egypt has a sphinx placed between Virgo and Leo. It has the front (beginning) of a woman (Virgo) and rear (end) of a lion and was not meant to be a mythical creature but a marker as to where the story starts and where it ends. It begins with Virgo and ends with Leo.
That part of the story is no great secret and many are talking about it. But what happens just before Jesus returns?
For that part of the story you need to back up to Taurus (symbolic of Israel). The signs go Taurus (Israel), Gemini (a twin), Cancer (the Assembly of the Elect), and then Leo (return of Jesus). Orion is below and between Taurus and Gemini. Mythology tells about how Orion took one of the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) and guess what? He did.
Orion took Gemini (a twin, and a princess) from Taurus (Israel) and married her. She (Gemini) gave Orion three Sons, the youngest named Eliyah. That is why Orion proudly points to three of his own stars in the Zodiac of Dendera.
Orion has been sent to demonstrate the Power of God by cutting off the head of the Second Beast of Revelation (Aquila the Eagle, also known as Draco the Dragon). This is the day of the Earthquake of Revelation Chapter 6. At that time He will call for God's Elect to separate themselves from the Scarlet Whore (Cetus, also known as Leviathan), and then Orion will be taken up. The Elect will assemble upon a mountain with the Sons of Orion, and Eliyah, still a child, will lead them. (Aquarius pours out his water which is symbolic of the spirit of God being poured out upon the Elect in strength)
At that time Leviathan (the Scarlet Whore) and Pices (the fish that remain behind) fall to the ground together.
When the wicked see what has happened they will send an army against God's Elect, but Eliyah will cry out for help and he will get it. Fire will come down from heaven that day and consume the enemy. This is the first sickle.
Now the sign for this event will happen this year. You can download a program called Stellarium or other planet tracking program and see for yourself.
Start tracking Mercury (the Messenger) across the sky from Israel's Independence day, May 14. It will be in Taurus then, preceding the Sun. Mercury will proceed forward for one Month and then, about June 14, it will drop down a little and start moving backward across the sky for about a month, until about July 10. From about July 10th to the 14th Mercury will be in the hand of Orion. If you watched closely you will see how it at first it preceded the Sun, and how the Sun passed it, but from here it must move quickly across the sky to meet the Sun in Leo by the Middle of August.
On that day, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and the Sun will all rise in the morning with Leo the Lion.
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