An ADHD Cure?
Although counseling is considered suitable for many adolescent behavior problems, science has not demonstrated this to be true for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Hinshaw, 1984). Inadequate results of psychotherapies have necessitated a search for alternative treatments
See: Source 7r.
However concealing may work one of my friends years ago suffered from ADHD and his parents sent him away to a boarding school that still used corporal punishment. Any way one day he decided that he was going to "Chuck" a tantrum and when he did this the principal let him go till he calm down when he gave him the "Paddle" in accordance with his parents wishes. Surprisingly enough he was cured of his ADHD with out even touching drugs, Which might I add he had been on nearly all his life. So you see there is a cure for ADHD and it is simple, Corporal Punishment.
So you are advocating corporal punishment as a means to control ADHD? I think that is foolish really, especially when the child has no control over his actions. Let me give you an example… you have to eat each day right? Suppose someone took food away from you, you would start to get very hungry to the point that you will demand food. Now, just pretend that every time you make an attempt to eat food you are given corporal punishment. Would that be fair for something you see as a definite need? It is the same for children with ADHD, they just must move and react, they cannot sit still, giving them some knocks on their butt will not make the 'hunger pangs' go away.
I think that corporal punishment as a "Cure" for ADHD is ridiculous and barbarian! As a mom of a child with ADHD, if I have to beat him every time he does something I would be beating him ALL DAY, every single day! What about their self-esteem issues? ADHD kids suffer of a very low self esteem and known (When teens) to become suicidal. I don't think beating a child who cannot help himself/herself helps in any way.
Ok, ok, ok I see you don't get my point, let me try and explain a little. Now say you had an animal (Crude comparison I know so no flaming just using it as an example) that was craving attention (Which both ADD and ADHD are but ADHD they go about getting it through extreme methods) by jumping all over you, sometimes nipping at you every time you saw it. Would you just stand around while it does this or would you punish it?
(Now as Teens I am not dealing with as I know to enforce corporal punishment would be impossible.)
If you find this Barbaric you could also try another method which would be to ignore any of the attention craving Stunts that your child does. And praise the good behavior (So no punishment is involved in this one just plane ignorance).
Though as I said in my first post corporal punishment did cure one of my friends believe it or not he hasn't had drugs now for about 10 years and it never returned.
Blaider, maybe your friend was misdiagnosed to start with, but either way, under no circumstances would any person have my permission to 'paddle' my children.
Who wants to raise a child who has been beaten into submission, and had their will broken-- certainly not me.
Children with ADHD, don't misbehave for the fun of it, they can't help their actions, and to use corporal punishment against them to 'rid' them of their illness is just plain wrong. I'm sorry I just can't agree to any of that.