Aunt Sadie's Savory Kugel

Aunt Sadie' S Savory Kugel - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 26th Jan, 2011 - 9:17pm

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Archived Recipe: Beef
Post Date: 26th Jan, 2011 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #

Aunt Sadie's Savory Kugel

Recipe name:
Aunt Sadie's Savory Kugel

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Recipe Ingredients Recipe detials:

6 c Fine noodles;*

1 Cube margarine

3 Extra large eggs; beaten

1/2 c Sour cream

Salt and pepper; to taste *cooked and drained 1 very large onion, finely diced This fine dish was made by my Aunt Sadie Jean Greenfield Gibrich in the "ol days" before we knew what cholesterol was. We used to saute the onion in 1 cup pure rendered chicken fat. Did this taste good!! Look for the fine noodles in the Jewish section of your supermarket. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pam Spray 9 x 13 inch pan. (Pam is Barbara's Saute onion in fat until onion is clear> but not brown. Add to cooked nood along with sour cream, eggs, salt and pepper. Transfer to sprayed casserol dish and bake 375 for about 40 minutes until set and lightly browned on top Good served with brisket of beef and sweet & sour red cabbage.

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