This has just been on our news, and has been reported as being an accident.
Unfortunately there have been 4 deaths involved, 2 were residents in the apartments that the plane crashed into, and 2 were passengers on the plane.
Although this was an accident and very tragic, it has sadly opened up the all too distressing feelings of when the 9/11 plane crashes happened, that were deliberate.
Very sad, and my heart goes out to the people and families involved.
Talk about scary! When I saw this on CNN I stood straight up and said "not again!". It brought back all the feelings I remember five years ago. Obviously, it is now known to be an accident. But in the mean time, it was very frightening to all of use, not knowing for sure what happened and all.
The major point of all of this is... why are small planes allowed to fly so near to New York City? Anyone can have an accident, anyone can lose control of a plane, anyone could be a terrorist. There should be a tighter control over who and what can fly 'x' miles from the city and if they go over that shoot them down with mini artillery. Sounds brutal, bit better than killing people in an apartment building.
Just like you Kon, I was watching CNN and I thought: Can this be happening again? and then I started thinking that today is the 11th...not of September, I know, but I thought that maybe a terrorist was playing around with dates.