Mormons, Marijuana & The Word Of Wisdom - Page 11 of 14

Name: Jeremy Country: Title: Laws and Religion - Page 11 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 1st Feb, 2012 - 5:18pm

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Mormons Smoking Pot
Controversial Mormon Issue
Post Date: 20th May, 2011 - 6:56pm / Post ID: #

Mormons, Marijuana & The Word Of Wisdom - Page 11

Name: Wog


international QUOTE (Alma 46:40)
...many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases...

Do you want to tell God and those that swear they receive health from Cannabis liars.

Lets repeat the mantra of the scriptures so we can remember, I think the news has replaced scripture for some

No creation of mans hands will replace what God made to "remove the CAUSE of diseases". Lots of plants , ZERO VACCINES AND NOT ONE STINKING PILL, will be in Zion.

Oh and all you flesh eaters/lovers, there will be none of your flesh worship either, (the lion will lay with the lamb) remember that when you point the finger at others saying they will be subject to there addictions, you are only judging yourself, you will get NO dead animal and you will be subject to your own addictions (D&C 89:13 states you please God when you abstain from using animals, simple, do you want to please God?)

Like dessert?
Need some sugar to finish that meal, to feel satisfied? watch out, that addiction will be with you too

God is pleased when you appreciate what he creates, I.e. What the Earth grows. When walking to Zion are you going to stop by Wallgreens for more heart medication, maybe stop at McDonald's for some fries[..]

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Post Date: 14th Jun, 2011 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

Wisdom Word and Marijuana Mormons

Name: Shaldares


Comments: You know, it's really confusing to me to read a lot of these posts. I didn't read each and every one, but it seems to me that the majority of those who are condemning the medical use of cannabis (I find marijuana an incorrect and offensive term due to it's political incorrectness, but you can't have everything I suppose.) don't seem to know much about the "drug", or have valid arguments to back it up aside from biased opinion.

First off, I will admit that I do not believe that the use of cannabis is wrong in any form, as long as you do not use it in a way that negatively impacts your life (pretty much addiction.) however, I'm going to leave that alone and just focus on the medical factor, as I do not wish to get into a full blown debate with people, or make people feel uncomfortable by spouting my beliefs, as this is a site to discuss LDS standpoints, not mine (although I believe in much of what the church teaches).

I, like most likely everyone here, was raised being told that "marijuana" was bad. When I became an adult, I used it, and was able to experience firsthand, both the positive aspects, and the downfalls that addiction can lead to. Because of such, and the fact that it is currently illegal in Utah, I am not a user. [..]

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Post Date: 16th Jun, 2011 - 10:23pm / Post ID: #

Mormons, Marijuana & The Word Of Wisdom Studies Doctrine Mormon

Name: Shaldares

Comments: If this post, or others on this page have not convinced you, there are others that feel differently, and who is anyone to persecute others for their beliefs? Those trying to keep others from using cannabis to alleviate symptoms for valid medical reasons are oppressing others, which goes against the teachings of Jesus.

international QUOTE
Matthew 5:39 - But I say unto you that e resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

If you still believe this is evil, please don't be a vigilante and go out of your way to oppress or accuse others. You may think you're attempting to save them or yourselves, but in reality, if they believe differently, it's just making them uncomfortable.

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2011 - 9:08pm / Post ID: #

Page 11 Wisdom Word and Marijuana Mormons

Name: Erik

Title: Blessed

Comments: After reading about 6 plus pages I was disgusted and relieved all at the same time.

I will not discuss my own situation as none of you need to know. Only will I speak on important matters which you may take as good or bad. That is entirely up to you which everything in life is. Choices. Living with those choices and deciphering right from wrong.

1. Marijuana should only be legal as a medicine.
2. Marijuana medically is legal. The supreme court just ruled this summer(2011) it is now against federal law to go against State Laws. Civil Rights, etc. Look it up people.
3. Any Prescribed medicine has effects that are suppposed to be good and some unwanted ones. They are still prescribed medications and are specific towards an individual or should be!
4. Take your judgements on people to Satan cause last time I checked Jesus, or my church leaders and the law are my judgement.
5. To those of you who need medical marijuana. Pray about it. Search out your feelings. When I was disobeying the WOW with caffeine or just even eating unhealthy I sure knew it. You will too if it is right for you or not. It is right for some but not for others just as other prescribed meds, vitamins, different exercises, etc.
6. Search other avenues first. such as other medicines. yes I know they are harmful but some arent. In these Latter days we have the blessing of modern day medicine and science. Which both agree and disagree with their own biases for or against medical marijuana. We should still use these advances in the modern and latter days to better ourselves and help those around us.
7. Other meds and other health things not working and you know that marijuana does? At least you ran through the medical gauntlet. At least you showed your Faith that way. Get whatever you need to be healthy and feel like you are living righteously.
8. If you feel like any med or any substance or hobby is addicting you and taking you away from the spirit and/or the Church. Then should you take a look at yourself and become truly honest with yourself and with God and ask that some help may come your way. This may be new medications, healing through faith, ability to deal with your illness easier because of the help from those around you, new medicine or studies, the list goes on.
9. Remember Love Everyone. Even if you think its a sin or not. Love those around us. Make people lose your respect before you yourself just give it away or you will miss out on a lot of great people.
10. Discuss things with your Bishop, Stake President or other respected Church Leaders or Officials. Ask questions. Explain your side. Listen to theirs. Debate but listen and obey. There is modern day revelation. Things change. This will too, for the better. Whichever way it goes because God knows and his plan is a long one and it always works out for the best. Patience. He protects the good things in life and those who serve him very carefully and sometimes with many years between start and finish.
11. And people, if you are on one side or the other. Please research some more. And don't sound so ignorantly biased. Accept others opinions, digest them, and take what you want away from them. don't attack and don't judge because I didn't know that was part of the Churches beliefs.
12. If its legally prescribed. There should be no problem unless you create it. This is between you, your doctor, possibly your Bishop if you see fit, and our Loving Father in Heaven.

Post Date: 2nd Sep, 2011 - 3:46am / Post ID: #

Mormons, Marijuana & The Word Of Wisdom
A Friend

Wisdom Word and Marijuana Mormons

I am a legal medical marijuana patient in the state of Oregon. I feel like I caught this thread over a year late but people do still log on and leave comments.

This herb saved my life! While other meds helped in the short term, tolerance began to build up quickly. I.e. I needed more and more of the same medicine to get the same results. With Cannabis tolerance does not build up. The same dosage continues to have the same medicinal effect. (ask a MJ med patient how) I researched cannabis carefully for over 2 1/2 years before finally deciding to try it for the first time. It took a couple months for me to adapt to it but since then it has been the best medical decision I have ever made.

My LDS family is even more conservative than most LDS. They believe that Marijuana is primarily a tool used by Satan. They believe the medical marijuana legalization movement is on par with Abortion Rights, Gay Marriage, and Consensual Sex with Minors.

This has led to much misunderstanding and friction between us. Though I must say they do their best to avoid contention. I love my large family and I know that they love me.

In response to this topic I have prepared a Family Home Evening complete with General Conference Address, Multiple Scriptures , Multiple Government Sponsored Scientific Inquiries and some History. Including Utah's first law against cannabis, see link below. The Church has no official stance on Medical Marijuana.

From my Family the two main concerns are

Number one: It gets you high
Number Two: It's technically illegal nation wide
Number Three It's Addictive

To the first concern, Yes cannabis certainly does get you high. But SO do most other drugs for Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Allergies, ADHD, Muscle Relaxants, even High Blood Pressure etc. and all these drugs aren't frowned on nearly as much. But are far, far more dangerous to health, behavior, and social interaction. To which my family invariably counters that we should get off all drugs! Well, , , , , most of them do not have a chronic debilitating condition that can be drastically improved by medication or if they do, then the medication they use does not get them high, as yet. SO ,they tell me to have more faith or work harder, switch to a more dangerous set of drugs or some odd such
advice. What they don't know or don't believe is they are telling me to kill myself. It's not what they want to do, but it is the effect following their advice would have.

To the second concern Medical Marijuana is not illegal. It's been legalized in over a dozen US states.
--In 2005 The US supreme court ruled in favor of Federal forces being able to raid State Licensed Medical Dispensaries.
--When our president took office however he vowed to stop interfering with state marijuana programs and he kept his promise. The law is not enforced Federally and everyone knows it.
--In 2009 by refusing to hear a suit against the California Government, The US Supreme court up-held state law in internal matters, thus forcing San Diego County to issue medical marijuana registry cards. De Facto law, is the law of the land. Ergo, if you don't cross state lines with it and do follow the laws of your state then it is completely and totally legal.

To the Third concern Marijuana is not addictive! It's not any more addictive than jogging in the morning, or chocolate in the evening. Some people get addicted to these things, but some people will get addicted to anything! That's just the sad reality of the extreme minority. Marijuana causes Euphoria and some people will abuse that, this is true. But they abuse it because they choose to, not because they are addicted. In multiple
surveys over 50% of the US population admitted to trying marijuana at some time. In the same surveys we find most of those same people gave it up voluntarily. Some people will stay home and sniff glue, if they choose to smoke pot instead it's not the pot that made them a bum at home. Nearly every other drug on the planet is abused why should cannabis be an exception.

Rather off topic, but...
I Love Jesus Christ. He is my personal redeemer. I have faith in him. I know that a living prophet leads this Church today and I am thankful for his counsel. I know that through prayer and personal study the Holy Ghost will guide us on our journey. Thanks and glory be to God our Heavenly Father for sending us his divine Son and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

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4th Sep, 2011 - 2:03pm / Post ID: #

Mormons, Marijuana & The Word Of Wisdom

There are some good points here as well as some I don't agree with but I do agree that like any other drug it should be used with good judgement. You have to be honest with yourself about whether you're abusing it or not.

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Post Date: 30th Oct, 2011 - 11:13am / Post ID: #

Mormons Marijuana & Word Wisdom - Page 11

Name: Jon

Title: Medical Cannabis

Comments: I can see that this is a highly controversial subject. As a Member of the Church who has done a lot of research on medical marijuana, I would like to share some facts. There are many health benefits to ingesting medical marijuana. In fact, the government has patented these benefits. [..]. I would argue that if medical cannabis is prescribed by a doctor, and used carefully and sparingly then there is no problem. It is far safer then any FDA approved drug that treat similar health problems treated by medical cannabis. As one person said, it is between them and the Lord unless it becomes a problem. Here is what the bretheren say:

international QUOTE
"As to drugs '. . .the Church has consistently opposed the improper and harmful use of drugs or similar substances under circumstances which would result in addiction, physical or mental.' We reaffirm this positive statement."
(Conference Report, April 5, 1974.)

Now, I am no official spokesman for the church so I will let you all interpret this on your own. However, I feel that if it is a natural herb and if it is used properly, then there should be no issue with using it.

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2012 - 5:18pm / Post ID: #

Mormons Marijuana & Word Wisdom Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 11

Name: Jeremy

Title: Laws and Religion

Comments: I think it should be noted that the law provides for religions to do what they believe is right. Whether something is legal or illegal should not be an overarching factor in a religious discussion.

For example: as someone has already pointed out, abortion is legal in the U.S., but that doesn't change the church's stance on it. Likewise, whether marijuana is legal or not (and it is in places) the church should review its own doctrine on the matter. D&C 89:10-11 states:

international QUOTE
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man-
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

Given that marijuana is not a chemically addictive substance, that it has health benefits (like the benefits it provides me as someone with PTSD), and is clearly an herb; it seems clear that the church should free its members (like me) to use this herb that god has ordained for our use.

Source 1: D&C 89:10-11

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