Look Younger For Us$12,000 A Year!

Look Younger Us$ 12 000 Year! - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 10th Apr, 2007 - 11:35pm

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10th Apr, 2007 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

Look Younger For Us$12,000 A Year!

Look Younger For US$12,000 A Year!

If anyone gets a chance to see this Nightline program please do place your comments here. I want to know how the examples turned out - you know - older people looking younger.

QUOTE (ABCNews Nightline)
It's an age-old quest -- that never-ending search for the fountain of youth. We constnatly look for some way -- any way -- to keep ourselves young forever. Ponce de Leon set sail from Spain in 1513 to find the elusive prize. He found Florida, but not the famous fountain. Now, hundreds of years later, there's a doctor in Nevada who says he's found the secret to ever-lasting youth, although it's not found in a fountain. It's concocted in a test tube, and his patients swear by it. At Cenegenics, for $12,000 a year, you, too, can try to turn back the clock on your body. "Nightline's" Terry Moran travels to the doctor's clinic in Nevada to see what it's all about.

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Post Date: Thu Dec 5 0:34:29 GMT 2024 / Post ID: #


Look Younger For Us$12,000 A Year!

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Can someone tell me more about look younger for us$12,000 a year! need more info now for us to get understanding and seperate fact from fiction.

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