Mystic River
Directed by Clint Eastwood, Mystic River follows the lives of 3 childhood friends who are reunited in adulthood when one of their daughters is brutally murdered. Without giving the movie away, I will say this is one of the better dramas I have seen in a while. The acting from Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon and Tim Robbins was superb. Sean Penn, I believe, earned an Academy award for his role in this movie. The story grips you from start to finish, and the plot is developed very well. If you haven't seen this movie yet, go out and rent it. 2
I rented this movie when it first came out. I have always thought that Shawn Penn was an under rated actor, in this film he proved it. Shawn proved that he is the ever versatile actor as a gangster type person in this movie. Although the movie is supremely acted well, it was a very sad movie that spiraled downward from the beginning. But the movie did its job, pulling me in and making me truly care about the characters, not truly disliking any of them, and sympathizing with all of them as victims in the end.