If Those Of Old Time Could See Us Now...
Values, standards and morals of people are changing almost on a daily basis these days. Tried and true ways are put aside as though they are primitive when it is inherent of nature for it to be just the way it is. For instance, lets look at breast feeding (this is covered more extensively in another Thread and is used here only for illustration) where some people feel that because there are such things as bottles and formula that breast feeding is disgusting. To me that is just idiotic - why the 'H E double hockey sticks' do you think you have breasts for in the first place?
Now the basis of this Thread is this... if a person versed in the social life of yester year (let's say the 1800s) were brought here today, what do you think they will find the hardest to believe as far as the deterioration of society and culture?
Here is a start...
1. You can simply walk to the corner and buy a magazine showing completely naked women
2. You can be sued or jailed for disciplining your own children
3. You cannot mention "God" in certain public places
What else do you think they will be shocked about?
I think the fact that adultery is so acceptable and almost welcomed, will be a shock to anyone from the 1800's.
Its not to say that adultery wasn't a part of their everyday life, but to think that now, it is all over the media, being sensationalized. That even shocks me some days..
If people from the past could see us now they would kill themselves.
1. The fact that people have abortions. And that it is a big discussion for being legal or not.
2. Woman who have jobs that normally were for only men.
3. Men have jobs that were normally for woman.
4. People curse so freely on the streets and in movies and on T.V.
5. Gay marriage is being discussed and not just banned completely.
6. The fact that people actually don't believe in God or Jesus.
1) Fast food
2) How lazy people have become
3) Some of the music
4) Technology
5) Revealing clothing
They would be most definitely shocked to see people stare at a glowing screen all day teaching fallacies and fables and showing crude things openly to all. And they would be horrified to see the overrun of all good in this world to be replaced by artificial means- technology, the destruction of man inching closer and closer to the day where no one will ever even have to walk!
It would be funny to see their faces...imagine...just looking at the technology we use today.
We have to remember that while the "Old Timers" might have had stronger morals, they also lived in a world full of racism and bigotry.
Though we have sunk in our morals and what we allow to be public today...such as the nudity and adultery mentioned by others, we have at least made strides in understanding each other and living in harmony (though there is still a long way to go).
I think that open, free expression, such as this forum would shock them.