I think that he is one of our best cricket players. I feel so sad by the way this country treated him. I believe the whole team depended to heavily on him, to make all the runs rather than, all the team members pulling their weight.
I admire the fact that he always have parties for mentally challenged children at his home. He seems like a very generous and kind hearted fellow!
Name: NotSorry
Comments: Lara is overrated. Geenie, I don't know why you said he wasn't treated properly, he got a huge mansion as a gift no?
Yes they did award him a big house when he made us proud by making 375 runs. But it is truly amazing, how quickly we forget and condemn those when they have bad moments. Everyone, the public and his team players, expected him to make all the runs. The whole of Trinidad and Tobago expected him to be the star all the time. And he was heavily criticized when he was under pressure and did not perform his best. We always know how to worship people whenever they excel, but we quickly forget all of this, whenever our stars have their bad moments or reveal that they are only human. Very sad! But he is doing quite well for himself without our support.