Ultimate RPG Stats Page
I'm thinking of creating the Ultimate RPG Stats Page! What this involves is your very own cool looking web page with your / or your character(s) stats / accomplishments shown in one place. Here are some features:
1. A link from your Profile and Posts to your own RPG Page.
2. It will be under the www.Text-RPG.com domain.
3. You will see which of our RPGs you have won at - such as records made and games played. In this way you can see your progress.
4. You can see which games you still need to participate in
5. FOr accomplishing certain tasks you will get added bonuses!
What do you all think?
I like the sound of that. Will this be for everyone or just certain privileged ones?
Interesting it is that way those with a talent for writing can display journals and such. I assume that this is going to be open for any that have met the criteria for rpg. I small fp donation for graphics or extra special touches.
This page will be for active Members, not just anyone that come along because it will take some upkeep on my part.
Think of it more like an Awards page where you can see your accomplishments and milestones rather than just one page showing stats like the Medieval Party Stats page.
I know this is an old post but was this ever implemented? I really like the idea behind it and want to see what it looks like.