Avani, I wish you well with your move to Canada. Three family members killed in three years? Wow, that's very scary.
About the whole "white" thing, I think the term is used very loosely here particularly if you're fair skinned and you are not African or East Indian descendant. Of course, it's odd how it is used here.
Name: Avani
Comments: Thank you, best of luck to you guys!
One more thing Trinidad is ranked 5th in the world for crime per ca pita, I saw that last week very frightening.
I wonder who invented the whole "local white" term? Is it an old or a recent term? I would assume due to the many races here most people (including local whites) are very mixed.
Name: Avani
Comments: LDS_forever to be honest the local white term, were for white families who have been here for a few generations but it also means in Trini terms " They are white but not white white" (related to skin color - they have a nice tan)
I know "local whites" who are "full" whites and most are but are quite tanned and you know thats the beauty of the human body to adapt. E.g I have two friends, blond hair, blue eyes but so tanned, that they cannot "past" for whitesint the US but their olive tones more like some Puerto Ricans.
I also, know 1st generation whites or immigrant whites who will not marry any white family here or Hispanics even though they may be visibly white but thats the rare exception.
A few years ago, I had some friends who went to University in New York and admin refused to believe they were white and I believe they put Hispanic on their forms, when they came back from University we use to laugh and call them "Pedro" and 'Mariah", there parents are white and they come from a prominent white family from here.
Name: Avani
Comments: LDS_forever some people think that I am a Spanish guy and alot of times Syrian as well (which I am not a big fan of being called just joking)on other Occasions white but I am not.
My family were Middle eastern Jews that left Germany after World War 1.
Your right, many Cubans have Italian back grounds, and Argentina is VERY European, its dumb when I hear "I am Hispanic" because like you said being Hispanic is not a race but a cultural concept.
I know a lot of people consider Trinidadian or West Indian a ethnicity in the US, very stupid indeed, Canadians are smarter in that respect because they are more acquainted with Indo and Afro- Trinidadians as well as Anglo-Trinidadians and Arab- Trinidadians who go there to study or migrate.
I have heard of Trinidadians getting in trouble in the US and Canada because of their limited view on race e.g Asking a Indonesian if he is half Chinese and half Indian.
Seeing someone with curly hair and immediately think that he is mixed.
Seeing someone with different features, thicker eyebrows, hairy and calling them 'spanish".
These are are all hilarious stories that I have heard of Trinidadians in North America