I'm thinking about ordering Synaptol for my nephew and giving it a try. However, the only info I can find on it is in promotional adds. I have found a few message board comments from people saying they have "just started trying it" but no results yet, and from a couple more with outrageously wonderful claims of success, but you never know if they are just shills. I don't know if it is actually safe to give to a 6 year old, but can it be as bad as the potential risks of pharmaceuticals? If anyone out there has any real experience with this product, please post.
Name: Marv
Comments: I bought 3 bottles, tried it along with my 13 yearr old for over 1 month, double and tripled dosage, never saw a benefit at all for either of us. Maybe because I already take the 200:1 concentrated Aloe, but my son doesn't and we saw no benefit for him at all. I need a REFUND!