Aunt May's Pickled Green Tomatoes

Aunt May' S Pickled Green Tomatoes - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 10th Aug, 2012 - 9:03pm

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Archived Recipe: Cheese
Post Date: 10th Aug, 2012 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

Aunt May's Pickled Green Tomatoes

Recipe name:
Aunt May's Pickled Green Tomatoes

Recipe Type Recipe category:

What are your thoughts about this great dish?

Recipe Ingredients Recipe details:

15 lb (2 gal) Green Tomatoes *

1 c Pickling Salt

1/2 T Powdered Alum

2 qt Boiling Water

2 c Cider Vinegar

5 c Sugar

2 ea Stick Cinnamon

1 x Handful Cloves

* Green tomatoes should be fresh picked and sliced. ~

- Arrange the tomatoes in layers in a large bowl or pickle crock, sprinkling the salt between the layers. Let stand overnight. The next day, drain, sprinkle with the alum, and pour the boiling water over them. Let stand for 20 minutes. Drain, rinse, and drain again. In an enamel or stainless stell preserving kettle combine cider vinegar, sugar and the spices, tied in a cheesecloth bag. (The spice bag should be kept in the syrup right up to the very end.) Bring to a boil, stirring until sugar is dissolved and boil rapidly for 3 minutes. Pour the syrup over the tomatoes and let stand overnight. Next day, drain off syrup and bring to a boil. Pour over tomatoes and let stand again overnight. On the fourth day, put syrup and tomatoes into the kettle, bring to a boil and simmer until the tomatoes are transparent. Pack the tomatoes into hot jars. Boil the syrup until it becomes quite thick or spins a long thread. Remove the spice bag and pour the syrup over the fruit, filling the jars and seal. Makes 8 Quarts.

Recipe Reviews Your opinion:
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