Are Men Becoming More 'broody'?

Are Men ' Broody' - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 18th Aug, 2006 - 2:21pm

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11th Aug, 2006 - 9:28am / Post ID: #

Are Men Becoming More 'broody'?

From personal observation, I am noticing more and more men becoming broody, and very keen to start a family, or have more children.

I don't know whether it is because men are these days more open about their feelings, or whether it is because more women are putting a career first, and are putting off having a family.

I know that if we could have more children naturally, my Husband would have a house full of kids!

His friend came round last night, and I found myself leaving them to have a chat, when his friend started to moan at how broody he was getting, and his wife doesn't want any more children than the one that they have got.

I had to chuckle to myself on the way out of the room, at how bizarre it was that the woman was being pushed out of the room, while the two men talked 'families'

So my questions are this.

Is it a sign of changing times? and what do you think about it?

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11th Aug, 2006 - 10:53am / Post ID: #

broody More Men Are

Ah, a good English idiom!

It took me half the message before I knew what you meant!

I think you are probably right, that so many women are focused on careers and material things that they either don't want children, or only want one or two. This is especially true throughout Europe and England, where population growth is below sustainable rates.

For a man, I think that having many children is a sign of virility. I doubt many think of it that way, but it is still there, deep down.

Another aspect of this may be that it is more of a British thing. I don't know any men here who really talk about wanting more children. In fact, when men find out that I have 6 children, they usually make some rather caustic remarks. But then, Americans seem to be more materially oriented anyway these days.

Post Date: 18th Aug, 2006 - 2:21pm / Post ID: #

Are Men Becoming More 'broody'?
A Friend

Are Men Becoming More 'broody'? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I would have to agree with Nighthawk... I don't think American's look at more children as a 'great' thing. Of course though I think the families that are out there that have more than 3 kids are well not crazy but great... I mean if you have the means to do it and you can handle it more power to you. Myself, I am lucky to have my one, but see it also depends on the family it self. If it is just one parent, well I think both parents are good in a child's growing up and from my past experience once 'men' find out they are going to be a dad they bolt... or if you have kids they 'bolt'... I can't say that about all men because I have found a wonderful boyfriend, and well he is a great guy as he takes care of his 2 children from a previous marriage. It is great to see... that a man takes that resposiblity. I wish we could have more men in the world like that, then maybe the child will have both parents in their lives rather than just one... (just my two sense) Good luck to you all and I wish everyone the best!
Take care

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