British Woman Pregnant At Age 63

British Woman Pregnant Age 63 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 4th May, 2006 - 5:42pm

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4th May, 2006 - 1:45pm / Post ID: #

British Woman Pregnant At Age 63

Well, another case of an older woman that decided that wanted to have a baby through IVF treatment. She already have a 26 years old daughter and a 22 years old son. The interesting part of the article is what the Italian doctor (who treated her has to say)

"He said Rashbrook, whom he last saw in November, was "perfect" for the treatment, because although she was 62 at the time, she had a biological age of about 45.

"She came here with her husband, the couple love each other, she is very slim, blonde and in perfect condition, she fits all the criteria for maternity."

I want to believe he was not really thinking when he made such light statement...otherwise, it could be interpreted that if you are not blonde or very slim or in "perfect" condition then you could not fit the criteria for maternity. rolleyes.gif

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4th May, 2006 - 3:05pm / Post ID: #

Age Pregnant Woman British

I suppose that what he was trying to say is that for her age, because she was in seemingly good health and shape, she fit the criteria for the treatment. I don't think he was saying you had to be in this shape, regardless of age. Either way, even though she may look this way, the fact is she is still 63 years old. Even if the pregnancy and birth goes well, I always feel bad for kids who have such older parents. Realistically, is the parent even going to be around when they graduate high school? He/she will be 18 at the time, which puts the mother at 81. This is not impossible, but still it seems unfair to the child, in my opinion. Most likely the parents will not even have the opportunity to see their grandchildren. Regardless of my opinion, I hope all goes well with the pregnancy/birth.

4th May, 2006 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

British Woman Pregnant At Age 63 Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Only my opinion, but has the world gone mad?

If this woman conceived naturally, I would still not think it was a good idea, but hey, that would be their business.

When somebody is actually receiving medical treatment at that age to conceive, I think it is just plain wrong.

I know that nobody can guarantee that they will still be alive to fully raise their kids into adults, but putting this case into perspective, they are really cutting their chances down!

It sounds like the Dr was describing my Mother in law, and I wouldn't be expecting her to be announcing a pregnancy laugh.gif

I hope things do work out well for the family, but I can't help but feel sorry for the child!

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