For me Messi is only as good as the team he has to work with, same thing Ronaldo. While these players may like to be seen as wondrous on the field if they are playing with teams that are not coordinated then it makes them a regular player. In Messi's case he really seems to be out of sync when playing with Argentina. Maybe he wants to be a Spaniard. *laugh*.
Okay, I have to admit I'm only a fair weather soccer fan. I really only watch it during the World Cup, and then only as long as the USA, Greece, Canada, or England are still in. In the case of the USA Women that usually means quite deep. Anyway, since I'm only fair weather I don't know a lot about the sport but this punishment seems right. Definitely more than what our NFL does here for proven cheaters. This sends a darn good message.
I most definitely agree and I do not support Messi insulting anyone. Having said that, being banned for FOUR games is NOT common. Players do this ALL the time and no one gets banned for FOUR games, the maximum they will get ONE IF any.
I believe they wanted make a point because he happens to be Messi and they wanted to put him in his place but the punishment was excessive.