Why Babies Pull Their Ears When They Are Sleepy?

Why Babies Pull Ears Sleepy - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 26th Apr, 2007 - 10:29pm

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26th Apr, 2007 - 7:07pm / Post ID: #

Why Babies Pull Their Ears When They Are Sleepy?

Did you ever wonder that? Most babies when they are sleepy and tired they usually pull their ears. Is there any reason for that?

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26th Apr, 2007 - 10:29pm / Post ID: #

Sleepy They Ears Pull Babies Why

I'm not sure the reason for this, maybe it's a comfort thing?
I know my baby niece always does this, and you can right away tell that she's ready for a nap. laugh.gif
It sure looks cute, at any rate!
It's actually amazing when you think about it how many babies do this, or play with their hair.

> TOPIC: Why Babies Pull Their Ears When They Are Sleepy?


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