O J Simpson - Page 4 of 10

I heard on the news last night that while - Page 4 - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 13th May, 2008 - 3:46pm

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Posts: 76 - Views: 7318
Poll: I feel O J Simpson is just...
  A good guy with unlucky events in his life       0.00%
  An average guy trying to make it in life       0.00%
  A black man who is used as a target       0.00%
  A good sportsman, average actor and terrible law abider       33.33%
  A criminal who happens to be popular       46.67%
  A very bad man       13.33%
  I have no opinions about him       6.67%
Total Votes: 15
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O J Simpson Actor, sportsman, commentator, but did he kill his wife? Why is she still so popular? Why does he always seem to be in trouble with the law? The owner of an upscale steakhouse said he asked O.J. Simpson to leave his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby because he is sickened by the attention Simpson still attracts.
15th Nov, 2007 - 3:39am / Post ID: #

O J Simpson - Page 4

It is a rumour...I started it! laugh.gif

However, he did say something I found really interesting when it was decided that he would have to stand trial for the charges:

"This is what we expected," Simpson told The Associated Press before he left the courtroom. "If I have any disappointment it's that I wish a jury was here. As always, I rely on the jury system."

I just really thought it was interesting that he chose the statement that he relies on the jury system...most people would have said something like truth.

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Post Date: 15th Nov, 2007 - 6:16pm / Post ID: #

O J Simpson
A Friend

Simpson O

I just think its sad. Celebrities don't go to jail in this country. Even if he gets convicted, he will not have the hard time in jail that us normal people would because he is famous. We put celebrities up on such a pedestal that they are bound to fall. Then we cheer when they fall. Then we let them off lightly because we feel sorry for them. OJ is just another guy who could play a game. I wonder what his life would have been like if he wasn't a celebrity? My guess is that he would not be nearly as free as he is now.

Post Date: 11th Jan, 2008 - 8:22pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

O J Simpson Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Bail Revoked: O.J. Simpson

Las Vegas Judge Revokes O.J. Simpson's Bail And Orders Him Back Into Custody.
Ref. ABCNews

12th Jan, 2008 - 4:23pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Simpson O

What a wonker. Just lock up the guy and throw away the key before he kills another pretty blond.

13th May, 2008 - 5:08am / Post ID: #

Simpson O

Did you hear about the new book out about O.J Simpson written by a former agent who claims that O.J. confessed the murder of Nicole and Goldman to him? He writes that O.J. went to Nicole's home and when Nicole answered the door with a knife in her hand O.J. went berserk and attacked her.

13th May, 2008 - 6:21am / Post ID: #

O J Simpson

I would blend that version in with his "If I did It" book quotes:

The book If I Did It stated that OJ looked through the window and noticed that there were candles lit and there was music to set a mood. She was expecting company. At that time Ron Goldman showed up, and started arguing with OJ that he was not Nicole's lover but just dropping off her mother's glasses. Nicole came outside and started hitting OJ. Then they were both lying in big puddles of blood.


That is from the author's point of view and adds a few interesting details. I really feel for those kids. He is their father, but he is also the one that murdered their mother and they probably know it or suspect it is possible.

Sad thing is that he just cant help but try to get back in the spotlight. Rumour is that he is trying to get on Trump's, The Apprentice, show for the new season. There is a joke in there that I will just let drop...

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13th May, 2008 - 6:54am / Post ID: #

O Simpson - Page 4

He knows how to play the system well. The book also talks about how he was told when and when not to take certain medications so his hands would swell and not fit the famous glove. How he escaped paying the $42,000,000 suit owed to the Goldmans from the civil trial and so forth.

Rather off topic, but...
Vincenzo, did you get my Email about RISK? If you are interested send me your password.

Post Date: 13th May, 2008 - 3:46pm / Post ID: #

O J Simpson
A Friend

O Simpson Movies Music Fashion & Sports - Page 4

I heard on the news last night that while he was high on drugs he confessed that he did kill her. Now I am not a expert but I have always believed he had something to do with it but did not actually do it. Being in a drunk stupor or even a drugged out haze you will say things and do things that normally you would not do. Saying he killed them while in a haze could be him just saying something to promote this book.

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