Recipe name:
Lentils & Rice Recipe category:
What are your thoughts about this classic dish? Recipe details:
1 lg Onion 2 tb Curry powder 1 ds Olive oil 1 c Lentils 4 c Water 1 big onion chopped & sauteed with 2 Tbsp currie powder (I confess to using 1/4 tsp. extra virgin olive oil here). Add a cup of lentils and 4 cups of water and cook for 2 hours. Serve over steamed rice (I prefer the sticky Jasmine white rice which I buy in 25 pound bags). I serve it with coleslaw made with FF honey/mustard dressing. Yummy! Posted by Posted by Martin Lastinger to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 11 Issue 12], Oct. 12, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV. |