Recipe name:
Scott's Curry Spinach Vegan Recipe category:
What are your thoughts about this dish? Recipe details: Scott's Curry Spinach (Vegan)
x Cooked basmati rice x Onions x Frozen spinach x 1 can creamed corn x Curry Sautee onions in a pan (use broth, vinegar, or Pam). When soft, add frozen block of chopped spinach (if you were clever enough to thaw it, so much the better). Stir for a minute. Put in pyrex pan (yes, these recipes are brought to you by Pyrex, makers of fine bakeware. Back over to you, Alex). Dump one can of creamed corn on it. No, creamed corn doesn't have any cream, it is just blended. Douse liberally in curry! Get good curry bulk from an Indian/Oriental market and avoide the McCormick's stuff which is 44$/lb. Bake the onions, spinach, and creamed corn (with curry!) for 20 minutes on 350 or so. Serve over basamati rice or just eat out of the pan. Let me know what you all think! (and, I know that I have a sentence in there that reads "I..always be disappointed.." Yes, I know better, this was hurriedly typed in before a meeting, so you can all go home tonight and make that spinach curry dish. I will be enjoying it, too). Posted by jmhodapp@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu (Hodapp Jonathan M. F3D x3782 ) to Fatfree Digest [Volume 13 Issue 13] FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV. 1.80? |