Genealogy Software

Genealogy Software - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 27th May, 2008 - 9:05pm

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28th Jun, 2005 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Genealogy Software

I am keeping this thread open to discuss the various kinds of Genealogy Software available both for free and a small cost. Some of these programs are also available as trail versions allowing you to test before you buy.


Members and genealogists using Personal Ancestral File (PAF) Companion can now print and view family tree charts in color using the program's newest upgrade. PAF Companion 5.2, created by Progeny Software, Inc., uses individual and family data from PAF files to create charts in five formats and millions of colors. The software can render up to 16 million colors and gradients to the charts, helping users organize family lines by gender, generation, or lineage.

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29th Jun, 2005 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

Software Genealogy

I use a program called GEDitCOM, which is essentially a customizable GEDCOM editor. It certainly doesn't have the nice little features that PAF does, but it runs on my iBook. The latest version of PAF for the Mac is about 10 years old, and doesn't even handle new GEDCOM files.

Anyway, it is very inexpensive, about $25.

A member of my ward is getting a Windows emulator for his Mac, just so he can use PAF. I might be willing to do the same, if it works for him.

Post Date: 27th May, 2008 - 9:05pm / Post ID: #

Genealogy Software
A Friend

Genealogy Software Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I use Legacy. A simple straight forward common sense program

> TOPIC: Genealogy Software


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