Do you agree with with the airlines decision? It must have been heartbreaking for the mom and family. My prayers go to this child at this difficult time.
The airlines, Air China and Air Canada, decided during a layover in Vancouver, British Columbia, that Hailey was "too sick" to fly this weekend. After being treated at a Vancouver hospital for seizures, the girl and her mother were forced to fly home to Shepherdsville, Ky., the report said. "I'm completely distraught," Goranflo, who disagreed that her daughter was unfit to fly, told the Courier-Journal from Vancouver. "I cannot believe we've come this far and we have to come home." Hailey and her 3-year-old brother Carter suffer from an incurable disorder called Late Infantile Batten Disease. The disease causes seizures, dementia, and blindness. Most sufferers don't make it beyond the age of 12. Hailey can no longer walk, talk or eat without a feeding tube, the report said. Batten disease is relatively rare and occurs in an estimated 2 to 4 of every 100,000 live births in the United States, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.... |
Since 9/11 Airlines have been given more lee way on who they will or will not allow to fly. It saddens me that they told this girl she was too sick to fly but the airline will simply state they were looking out for the best interest of their passengers and did not want to disrupt their flight. With the new regulations in the airline industry we will see more and more of this until people take a stand. So far people have not taken a stand and we are at the whim of the airlines.