Homeless / Vagrants in Trinidad
Basically everywhere you go in Trinidad you will see either a Homeless or Vagrant person. Some are genuinely not in a position to do better for some reason or the other while others are suffering the effects of drug use. There also those who are mentally deranged and can even at times become violent.
The question here is this... What is the solution for the Homeless / Vagrants situation in Trinidad?
Interesting thread, the Express recently had an article about it stating how the government is saying there are less vagrants in the streets (and the reporter counted at least 40 in Independence Square).
For me, the solution is long term. First of all, each one of these persons must be identified, etc. Second, they need medical check- ups (physical and mental). If they are mental, then they need to put them in the proper care center (this will mean St. Anns hospital will have to change a lot of things). Same for those who have some type of addiction. Then we need to evaluate them as to why they are living in the streets, etc and finding ways to reinstate them slowly to society. That's where psychologists should take a priority role.
Since we know, you cannot completly remove Homeless people, at least they should build HUGE centers where these people can bathe, shave, and change clothes. These centers could also have accommodations for those who want to sleep there as well as programs in place where they can learn a trade, etc.
It seems like they are trying to get rid of the vagrants of the streets of Trinidad before the submit of the Americas in April. They are going to send a lot of them to the already crowded St. Anns hospital. We do not want Mr. Obama to see how these people are living every single day now do we?
For the Mayor of San Fernando, the battle is almost won. Two months after he began the eviction of Harris Promenade, there remains only one homeless person. All the others, Mayor Ken Ferguson told us, had simply vanished. It was the result of the round the clock security paid for by the city corporation to ensure that the ragged many did not litter the promenade between Library Corner and the San Fernando General Hospital. And it was done for the benefit of the good citizens before their Christmas and Carnival. All gone except one. A defiant Diane James, stranded in a wheel chair, spending her days on the promenade across the road from the Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church, needing not to say a word to be offered a dollar from those walking by on their way to somewhere else. James, who in another life, had a home and family in Biche, and three children, the last conceived and delivered on a public bench on the streets of Port of Spain years before. James, who at the age of 43, looked ancient, in early childhood losing the equal chance to succeed by the polio that left her legs crooked, her walk turned into a drunken shamble. But walking nonetheless until three years ago when she was struck down by a car in Chaguanas, that put her in a wheelchair. James, who despite it all, found love from another homeless, Gerald Mohammed, he, a Christmas Day baby who celebrated his 20th birthday on the streets. So James will be the last to go, according to the Mayor. He said earlier this month that the Social Development Ministry was trying to locate a place for her in Arima. Should she make it off, she will be among the luckiest women of the promenade. For this year, two other women living in the shadow of freedom fighters Mahatma Ghandi and Marcus Garvey, left in body bags. Cynthia Ramcharan, who in May died folded into a shopping cart that in the last weeks of her life, was her home and bed. Ramcharan, a young woman at 38 years old, but in a body wasted by drug abuse and prostitution, also finding a kind of love in Sylvester Joseph, who pushed her through the streets of the city, a couple seen by all, but really seen by none. And Bhagwantee Rampersad, 40, a slave to alcohol, a mother to five, with a home in Barrackpore but roaming the streets of the city begging for money to support the habit that ended that day in June when she took a swing from the bottle of Bay Rum, and dropped dead. But what of these vanished vagrants? We found them. At the abandoned train station at King's Wharf where they do their best to stay alive in the face of the drug addicts with homes who come there to smoke cocaine. Some returned to Tamarind Square, Port of Spain, where there still is a Serengeti-like haven for them, they walking the entire length of the highway, and overnighting in Central Trinidad. These homeless can expect to be taken off the streets before the Summit of the Americas in April, and kept at the St Ann's Hospital, according to Dr Varma Deyalsingh, secretary of the Association of Psychiatrists of Trinidad and Tobago.. |
Despite the 'effort' of the government of Trinidad & Tobago there are still many vagrants on the streets. In an interview over the weekend TV6 showed where some vagrants were in the same spot everyday and not in hiding as the government claimed as the reason they could not round them all up. Now that the Summit is over I bet there will be no follow-up to this.
No break for city vagrants
The Fifth Summit of the Americas may be over but the Ministry of Social Development will be continuing its programme to rid city streets of vagrants. Public relations specialist at the ministry Sheyna Weston said the ministry was determined to get the vagrants off the streets. She urged the public to exercise more patience, saying it would not happen overnight. Ref. Source 5