Good evening to all and sundry. My name is Nyte and I am obviously new around here. I rather just stumbled upon this page looking for a few new Rogue-likes (see: ASCII based dungeon crawl games), thought that it looked interesting and bookmarked it for later perusal.
I am mainly an RPG addict, to just about most types. I've done online FFRP (Free-Form Role Play) for about twelve years now, across multiple genres (fantasy, medieval, sci-fi, cyberpunk, Star Wars) along with the normal addiction to console and computer RPG titles. I'm also in the early planning stages for a 2D top-down view RPG based on the Eclipse engine.
I am a self-proclaimed geek and computer nerd, been tapping the plastic for the last twenty years. I also do a few odd things like chainmail (armour, clothing, and jewelery) and medieval reenactment.
I know I've probably left out a good bit, but you can always ask if you wanna know, the discourse must find ways to continue.
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
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