I have found yet another alliance bug. I tested this one over several days, several logins. different settings and it still remains. When I buy defense my gold never goes down but the moment I buy offense it debits the correct amount. This bug is in both RoK and EoA. I have not tested JC because I have no need since my allies choose not to play that game. My original tally for EoA is 3 offense and 0 defense and RoK is 10/10. If you wish you may take the defense since they were ill gotten but offense was bought legally.
Edited: wolfsbane on 6th Aug, 2007 - 5:41am
Thanks very much for pointing that out. It seems that from my last fix of the Monty Hall bug I neglected one letter that caused this issue. It should be good now and I did not adjust your stats - run with it as a reward for your report.
People, those of you who are winners of former games need to claim your credits. You need to follow the directions carefully in the Prize Thread so I can reward you.
1. I need your Username for the Game - the name you use to log into the game (this is NOT the same as your player name)
2. Your player name - the name you used to win in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd.
NOTE: I usually will only credit the LAST game a few days after it took place, BUT I will make this one exception now if you give me the correct information in the right Thread before the end of this week:
I am quite positive. If you remember, you had about 1500 soldiers. I bought up to 1000 and attacked 3 times, just before you got on line. Seeing the money wasnt coming, I let my armies depleat to about 90 instead of reinforcing them. You came in and attacked. The first attack would have been to clear my soldiers and then the others against the people until I fell more than 50% behind you. However, before all that, I attacked 3 times. Since I knew you were collecting money and buying either 5 million or 10 million sized toys, so I was betting on getting a few of those gold pieces.
Here is what I did:
1. I went to the script to check if all was okay - all seemed okay, I moved some things around, but it should not make a difference.
2. I went to the database and gave you the amount you said you lost. I then added 1000 peasants to you and a few hundred soldiers. I also increased your worth so you would be within my attack range.
3. I then went into the game and attacked you twice. I got the gold as it said both times.
Now the only I can think is that the person who gets the gold is the person who loses LESS men. Maybe the script is telling you falsely that you got gold? *shrug* I added in a line to in the 'else' statement to ensure you get no false info. try attacking me again and let me know. Thanks.
I will write it all down next time, but I believe that you are right on the false report of gold that was found with the soldiers. I think when you attack and win you get gold from 2 sources right? One from the kingdom and one from the dead soldiers?
I bought 400 soldiers and attacked you...this was the report:
400 soldiers invaded GameMaster's campsite..
armed with 400 Longsword's .
GameMaster's 795 soldiers welcomed you with 795 LongSword's .
120 of GameMaster's soldier's are left to die on the field..
239 of your soldiers fought bravely, but died for the cause..
Your soldiers start to run as they notice GameMaster's alliance standing their ground.
You collected 110,777 gold from GameMaster's dead soldier's.
Thy army returned with them 42,590 in gold
I did get the 42,590 in gold. I guess I am not sure where this comes from...maybe the kindgom itself? However, the 110,777 never showed up. Now this was collected from the dead soldiers...so I guess I dont know if you only get it if you win the battle. If so, I really dont understand why they tell you that you found money off the dead soldiers? Also, I am suspect no money was deducted from your side...
Edited: Vincenzo on 31st Aug, 2007 - 4:35am